The Tennessean from Nashville, Tennessee (2024)

ir gr't 'V'llr', REAL ESTATE RENTALS RENTALS RENTALS 960 RENTALS RENTALS RENTALS g8THINASH VILLI TINNISSEAN. Friday, Not. 11. MERCHANDISE MERCHANDISE Dogs, Cats, Pets 46 41 Musical Radio fir Television BEAGLE AKC. A-l Jump and eun NASHVILLE TV SERVICE dog, female 4 years.

TU 3-6282. BEAGLE Pupa, 7 weeks old, browns OPEN DATS WEEK Guaranteed Service. CUi $3. Night, CY 2-9533. Sunday blacks, spotted, CY 7-5752 PARAKEETS raise your own birds.

TELEVISION SERVICE Repau all makes television UNIVERSAL flRB APPUANCE CO 11th anri riamAnKMnn al PIANOS Consoles and Spinets I Extra Special closeout aal of the tew remaining I960 models. Always better values and easier terms at L. C. TILLER'S. 12J 8th Ave.

PIANO Mason Hamlin, small. $395. PIANO Haddorff upright MU TJAVI8 PIANO CO. 813 Church ORGAN Electronic H-J Thomas, Apartments Unfurnished 64 INGLE WOOD Brick duplex, lower 3'- rooms, bath, -adlant heat, attic private, couple $5 VE 2-1523 -Private -ooms large i'V-Ing room, bath entrances all utilities ous, CA 8-2266 HILLSBORO Bis lr -2400. 1 'ooms redecorated bath water snooping CT 3-7475 ERI Mont rose-908 Lower 8 rooms, bsth.

private Adults 855 CY 1-8346 CY 7-3650 WOOET LN-1108. first floor 3 rooms, batn. gas heat. 859 CY 8-69J0or Cx ELMWOOD 1407. 1 bedrooms, Hv- lng-dlnlng room, kitchen, bath and garage.

CY 2-3179. AVE. 818 ADULTS I rooms. bath, electric best $43 50 KENNEDY CO. AL 8-7406.

EVELYN COURT Hayee 1700 i large rooms like new. tub-shower. 885. Walker, AL 6-7978: CY 3-0453. SBORO- Upper rooms, bath.

wati CY CY 1-4486 RUSRELL 926. 3 rooms, bath, newly decorated. lights. water, tSO AL 4-3528 or CY 2-6432 INOI.E WOOD Clean Lower 3 rooms. bath, garage.

Convenient. Lady or couple, CO 2-5419. BELLE MEADE New modern upper Mle bath range ef narrator us raze CY 1-6210 CY 7-6218 BELMONT Unusual. 2nd floor. 8- room apartment, all utilities, after CY 7-1016.

INS AVE. 4608. 3 rooms, private bath, call alter m. weeKdays or eat, and sun. cy 8-4969.

ALAND Electric heat. 3-rooms. convenient bus. after 5 p.m. refrigerator, stove, adults.

CY 2-0081 REGENT DR. 5218, 3 rooms, and bath. separate utilities. Call VE 2-1912 after 8 p.m. EAST Modern 2-bedroom, electric heat, garage, water furnished.

$50 Private. CA 8-7320 FAIRFAX Lovely Upper 5 rooms, Spacious. Utilities. CY 2-8064. WOODMONT 1 bedroom, stove, re frigerator, heat, carport, CY 7-5766 EAST 5 rooms, bath, modern.

Pri, vate entrances. CH 2-5357. BELLE MEADE 6 rooms, heat, pliances, garage. AM 9-3953. PETWAY 3 clean rooms, bsth, pri vate, convenient, CA 8-4947.

RIDLEY Heat, water private bath working couple, CH 2-2156 FATHERLAND 1108. 3 rooms, prl vate bath, gas heat: CO 2-0595 HILLS BORO Corner 21st A Blslr. 4 room, or business, apply laundry EAST Duplex 3 private lower nice 'ooms, barh Adults CA 7-3956 WEST Duplex, new ultra-modern 4-rooms. carport, night CY 1-0458 CEDAR LN 3 room apartment, heat water garage, adults, TU 3-5224, EAST-Lower 6 rooms, heat, water Adults. CO 3-5047.

MADISON Large 1 rooms, bath, gar age, stores, bus, UN 5-0344 INGI.EWOOD Nov 15th 4 rooms private Couple CA 8-3514 INGLEWOOD Private upper 3 large rooms, utilities, bus. CO 2-3367. PRIOHTWOOD2807 6 rooms, lo er no dogs. CY 2-4381. BELMONT Upper 4 room, bath stove furnished.

$50 CY 7-3658 SYLVAN PARK Upper 8 rooms. bath, Call CY 1-1380 GALE 1000. paneled 3-room. garage, utilities. CY 7-6794.

CA 8-1419. INGLEWOOD Private 4 rooms, bath. CO 3-3955. nights and weekends. INGLEWOOD Lower newly decorated, 1 bedroom, adults, CA 8-1823 SCOTT-Llvlng.

kitchen, bedrooms. 3 baths, $67.50. CA 8-0587. WEST NASHVILLE 3 rooms, bath" hot water and gas heat. CY 8-5791 RADNOR 510, 3 rooms, gas heat.

Couple or lady. TU 3-2689 night. OLD HARDING S-bed-room apartment. Water. CY 1-5196 EAST-Attraetlve rooms, private, lower, bus, adults.

CA 8-0469 EAST-2 moms, private bath, Qas heater and range. AL 4-0048. ENTON Lower 3 lights, wster. 150. room, private CY 1-0258.

BRICK CHURCH PK. 2004. rooms, bath, water. CA 8-0424. 63 furnished oi Unfurnished NEW CABANA APARTMENTS BEECH AVE.

and DOUGLAS WILL BE READY for Occtioancv Jmiusrv 1st The ultimate In Nsshvllle or anywhere Swimming Pool Air conditioned gorgeously deco rated, an apartments are 1-bed room, living room kltrhen and tile bsth CABANA CLUB FRLE IU TENANTS -Draperies furnish ed Apartments can be rented rurnlshed or unfurnished Convenient to Ous and shnnolna to downtown Nashville now helne taken Call POY SHAINBERG AI 4-8714 CY 1-1520 MHRFRFESRORO RD. Area. Bell Pd Clean, modern, private entrances 3 and 4 rooms, heat, wa ter furnished. $65. AI, 4-5102.

S.i rNI Aoan "ents I snfl 7 'nnm Near hns niau anei vnne-tH a.tmi BELMONT! or 3 rooms and kitchen ette, private bath, private entrance, garage. AM 9-6319. SYIVAN PARK 37th Ave. N-123. npner 4 rooms, bath, stove, re-friaerator, sdults.

$55 UN 8-9086. AST 1 rtr a room tnirtmjnt Prefer settled couple CA 7-4240 Duplexes OUT OF THE SMOG GRANNY WHITE-BFI VIDERE DR. Attractive, clean, private. 3 bedroom 1st tioor duplex apartment llvlng-dlnlns room, tile bath-shower, msnv closets, storage, stove, re-fruerstor CV 7-8733 Rosebank Inclewood NEV room duplex apartment storm winnows and doors. Venetian blinds beautifully decorated separate utilities Near bus and 0 Agent.

CA 8-3519 AI 6-J309 GOODLETTS I LLE DORRIS DR-113. Two bedroom aoarimeiH. reoecoratea. Large sitcnen and living room, blorg mis 1 8 MOORE. UL 9-2274 FOSTER REALTY AL 4-3586 NEAR BKLt.EME.APE THEATRE Rldgrliert Court, lower 4 roomi.

bath. electric heat, $95 00 8 L. Wright ft Co, AL 6-4196. NEAR DAVID LIPSCOMB 1303 GRANDVIEW 1 or 3-bedroom duplex units. $65 and S85.

All very modern, electric heat, car-pott, plenty of storase. JOHN T. I 8 AL 8-8319. AM 9-9336. "STRICTLY" PRIVATE One block Gallatin Rd NEW brtck.

2 bedrooms each, tile bath, full barmenl. other apart-ment 6.V CO 3-0810, CA 8-5345 18 Direct Lines To To Place Your CLASSIFIED WANT AD PHONE New OR 3 3 Houses furnished 74 WOODMONT-EECnON 3 bed- rooms, dining room flrepUre. stoner heat. DOBSON Si nice section. JOHNSON.

LNC. AL 4-5S41. CHARLOTTE PARK New 3-bedroom. l'i bath. jurmsnvu Garage.

$135. Day AL 6-1629. Night CY 7-6003. DONELSON 3-bedrooms. dsn.

Available now. $125. Agent. TU 3-2381. TU 3-8888.

TU 3-3162. -isi i.avp 1212 2-bedroom hous-e. $100 month, eiectrio neai. nu CY 7-7736. HICKORY 3 room.

bath. house, TH l-ivm. DONELSON Share home couoie girls or elderly isay iu i-agu Furnished or Unfurnished GREENHTLLS 3 bedrooms, newly Heeirated near schools. bus. shopping.

CY 7-5089, CH 3-0401 Suburban Country Fo? Rent FOR RENT SUBURBAN vine View nf old HIrkorT Lake LANE Just back of Andrew Jackson's Hermitage. 6 rooms and hath electric heat. Stable and Pasture for Horses. 11 ACRES. $90 month, Mr.

Turner, al a-jm Farms, Acreage for Rent CLEEJ8 FERRY RD. For rent 112 acres, approximately os cultivation. Best corn and market garden land, CY 7-244B. Busineis Propert 969 MAIN STREET Industrial corner, 150x155. All or part as is or will develop.

Prefer clinic or insurance office. "Buy, Sell, Trade" with q. Me-Ouaid. CO 3-4376: MID-SOUTH ERALTY, AL 4-1848. primrose BLDG -MADISON 1.600 so ft Modern New nreprooi Commercial Building Kiemv Dr lng space CH 3-2644 WOODBINE Warehouse, 100x38, two story, near railroad, uienrose Whltsett Lane, AL 4-bJi Bt.h a vr 714 6800 so ft ware house display room ano oiiicj-p $350 per month AL 6-8151 23rd AVE N.

208. Elliston. Ideal, doctor's clinic. 12 rooms, neai hospital. 8200.

Night, CY 3-1397. 72 Offices and Desk Space 22ND and CHURCH WESTMONT BLDG. 800 FT. $200 month. All services, sir co dltloned.

tree parging. Call BALDRIDGE, CY 1-6543 WEST END AVE 1903. New address nttinh. mn lieranh onice ounuini up to 2000 sq. ft.

available. $3 per sq. ft. Ample parking. DOBSON fc JOHNSON, AL 4-594L FRANKLIN RD.

2506 IWC ROOMS. 250 sa ft. air con ditloning, electricity ana eieamns $56 month AM 9-301. HAHU1NG RD Oocrr clinic OI ofilce 0i so 'l sir connitioneo building with narking campbfi REAITY ine CY 1-6183 stchanok HLPO Nasnvllie newest Ideal Central location. AL 4-0329 Eeigenrjaum At Stern NOLENSVILLE RD Office 12x15, utl ties, telephone answering, a.iu.

VE 2-6000. VE 2-3478 TUCK BLDG Centrally located free parking airconditloned. lannor utilities AL 5-5549 CY 2-3150 WESi ENp AVE Off'te space. Nssh vllle newest Car si Hnm CYPRESS CO CH J-4253 HKESHY'I ERIAN rflMIJIINO oloel 'rom LAC Tower Amoi pa ging Al S-26HB CY 3-)333 COAR8EY CENTER 1800 sq ft, modern new flreproor eommerei bullalng. TW 8-3363 DEMONBREUN-1531 Suite Of 2 Sir, conldtloned offices, prlvste bath separate entrance, off-street park, $75 per month, AL 0-4131 DONELSON Fireproof store build ln 35X70 (2 oors).

panting, conditioning. HARVEY FREEMAN SONS Donelson TU 3-2316. GALLATIN RD. 3245 15x16 building, Immediate possession ineewooa Really CO a-6761 OREEN HILLS Office 14x40 suitable! f4ntlt nr rtil efttflt. 0I" lng AL 4-1875.

AM 9-4171 MADISON Downtown, modern, 1 or 3 rooms, parking area, utilities furnished, CY 8-3441. CY 1-7935 72-A Miscellaneous Foi Rent SAVE Vi MOVE-IT-YOURSELF New Ford and other late model trucks available local or long distance Pads. Dollies. Skids. Plono, Movers available at small extra AvTS RENT-A-TRUCK Formerly (J -Drive It System NOW Al NEW LOCATION IO BETTER SERVE yOU 901 Filth Ave North CH 3-1871 TRAILER Maplewood Ln.

333. 1 bedroom, on private lot, unusually nice, couple. CY 7-5751. TRAILER East 3 bedroom, a o-malic washer, electric heat, private lot. $90.

CA 8-1129, CO 3-4191 TRAILERS FOR RENT 1316 Dickerson Road TRAILER Clean, modern, wster. $65. 129 Marie, CO 3-6iU. 73 Wanted To Rent PROSPECTS WAITING To rent 2 3 bedroom homes. Csll DOBSON JOHNSON.

AL 4-5941. WE OFFER All types rental service. NASHVILLE BANK AND TRUST COMPANY 318 Union St. Realtors AL 6-3611 HOUSES Duplexes, apartments, Hillsboro, Oreen Hills, West End Urgent. FARRINGER REALTY CO.

Rental department. CY 7-7531. HOUSES Wanted Houses to rent. Franklin Road to Hillwood. West Meade.

P1RTLE A REALTY CO.AL5-0j68. PROPERTY MANAGEMENT HEN I AL SPECIALIST 81NCE 1925 BULLING H1NR1CH6 AL 6-3619 HOMES We need houses to rent. 8. L. Wright A Company AL 6-4196 Ofllie CO 2-4754 Home SPECIALIZING in management ui Rental property.

ROBIN REALTY. 109 Unlon AL4-1897. CY 2-tto83. ETU8 RENT YOUR HOME (HAH H. LOVEN 1 HAL AL 6- 242 Realtors 1910 Church RENTAL HEALXJUARI EK8 Service Allen Company AL 6-8148 KtAL tilATk 74 Houses for Sala PRESTIGE HOMES 1.

MAR H. C. HILL SCHOOL in the prettiest part ot wm ivicaue. large bedroom and a lovciy urge nn iiih log firculatS tor thCie long winter evenings. You will le the Daths, cntranca hall and nice lot.

too. JSM PHONt (-RANK. SMITHSON CY 7-OSul. vnirLL LOVE THIS delightful bunt -m kitchen in this 3-bedroom snd t)cn home ot mellow oio oncn. Snady lot on Georgetown Drive in nillwood High district.

ISUL. 500. PHONt FRANK. SMIIH- SON. CY 7-Oidl or WALTER KtllH, CY 2-1285.

3. HEART Of HILLWOOD Specious snd well arranged tor large family 4 bedrooms, i 'i baths. Horn the entrance hell to the tree form pstio you'll like whet you see Only S33.900. PHONt SMiTHSON, CY 7-0iSl or WAL TER KEITH, CY 2-I2S5. 4.

FRANKLIN ROAD AREA. 3 school buses stop on the corner. tCien-dsie. Hiiisnoro or Christ the Kmgi i bedrooms end den on a mte level lot make this an esceiicnt huv for SI 3,7.0 on FHA. ib jM CALL MR.


Thu house a nearly new snd spotiett ins'de. 3 bedrooms, large living room, wainscoted dmmg room. Beautiful lot. 292E. 1 5.250 00, StfJO down FHA or assume 4' jOq lean, PHONE FRANK SMITHSON.

CY 7-C5M or ED BLACKFORD, VE 2-0O9. 6. COUPLES DREAM. Lovely 2-bed room hom in one of Neshyilig chnice residential areas. House is vra-s old, til moms S'e Urge Evervtntng N'aut'fullv D'anncil 2 Houses For Rent 66 WEST NASHVILLE COUCH DR 6803.

Newly decorated. bedrooms, electric beat, storage! space, near Ford Plant. Only $69 50.) Agent. TH 7-2308, nignta cuj-eiui CENTRAL -3730 1 bedroom brick. 24 oaths and Stuoy Fun basem*nt with recreation room Rent with option buy $'30 AI CY 8-2864 HUMPHREY BT.

471-A. Off Chest nut St. Brick, nice condition, 3 rooms, bath cloeeta. porch, stove plug, gas, yard, water furnished. Near bus, $42.

Vacant. AL 6-3386 WOODMONT BLVD. 90S. 4 bed rooms, large living room, wood fireplace, basem*nt: Kessier, TU 3-5311, Howard BalL CY 8-1182: (Office VE 2-88531. WEST END 3-bedroom brick, excel lent location, very close to school, church, bus, shopping center and Golf Club.

Possession JJee. 1st 8100 month. CY 7-4121. BONELBON Modern 2 bedroom brick, attached garage, redecorated, electric heat, storm doors and windows, stove, refrigerator If needed. Nice location.

TU 3-8267, BRIGHTWOOD 2704. 3-bedroom brick, good condition, water, ga rage, stoker heat, near shopping center. Lease $90. CY 3-6583. NOLENSVILLE RD Area J703 Grubbs Brics 3 bedroom, den elee-trle heat 887.50 Foster Realty AL 4-3586 CRIEVE HALL 2 bedrooms and den.

2-car garage, radiant heat. $120. See between A.M. -5 P.M. 5036 Brevity Lane.

MAPLEWOOD LANE 722. 2-bedroom tile floors, clean, 1-chlld welcome Can be seen after 4 p.m. Call CA 7-5817. DONELSON 3 bedrooms, den, pan eled kitchen, full basem*nt, garage, $110. TU 3-1720, TU 3-1148.

DONELSON 3 bedrooms, gas heat, convenient to bus. schools, churches, shopping, $55. TU 3-1196. HARDING PARK New 3 bedroom. 2 baths, den, wall to wall carpeting, $165.

CY 8-5349 or CY 7-5813. MURFREESBORO RD Section or Donelson 2-3 bedroom, all electric Barrett Realty Co AL 4-1363 GATES RUBBUR Ares, small house 3 rooms, bath, large lawn, water furnished, couple. UN 5-1385. PARRY DR. 1336.

6 rooms, near Airport, $78 month. Cell AL (-1814 or CA 7-0781. FRANKLIN RD Thompson Ln Area redecorated 3 bedroom brick radiant heat. $119. CH 2-0515 DONELSON 3 and bedroom homes.

$75 and up KNIGHT REALTY CO TU 3-2351: TU 1-3979 CH 3-141 1 EASTLAND NO. 16TH 1003 Nice 5-room, bath, garage, stoker. bus. $70. AL 6-1463.

CA 7-3754. WEST ILLINOIS AVE 4812. room house in rest $19 1 month Agent, CH 3-6451 DONELSON 3-bedroom brick. $85 Agent. TU 3-2381, TU 3-8888, TU 3-3162.

9TH N. 1320. White, 6 rooms. bath, next to school, bus, stores, $45. AL 6-4650.

AM 9-5041. MELROSE Elliott 2406. 3 bedrooms, garage, redecorated, shopping cen ter bus. $65. VE 2-7516, AL 5-7829 DONELSON -Riageway.

near bust ness and bus. 2 bedrooms, den. rent 885, option to buy. TU 3-3807. INOLEWOOD Rldgecrest, 2238.

Love ly 2 bedroom brick, all conven lences. $85. CA 7-5561. OPEN. DONELSON 2-bedroom home, close to school, electric heat.

870, TU 3-3268 days; TU 3-4518 night. BRENTWOOD Baxter Lane 6 rooms, bath, electric heat AL 4-7586 or VE 3-3760. DONELSON Clean 3 bedroom brick, storm windows, radiant heat, near school. TU 3-2596. DOI'ELSON Cottonwood 506.

Nice 2-bedroom brick, close to school, $7o TU 3-3268, TU 3-4518. WOODBINE Tusculum School area, bedroom, den, garage DRAUGHON AVE 1112 3 bedroom brick, gas heat, near Lipscomb and Stokes School. 8133, CY i-ttiii 17ITI SO. 803. 8 rooms, baths, stoker hest.

Agent, AL 5-1306, (Night) CY 7-8264. WOODBINE LUTIE 8t 99. 3 room bath. $50. ROBIN REALTY, 109 Union St.

AL 4-1897. EAST Ardee 1137. 2-bedroom brick, full basem*nt, vacant. $85 Agent CH 3-1411; TU 3-2351. 2ND AVE.

SOUTH 715. 3 rooms. bsth. $30 month. ROBIN REAL TY.

109 Union. AL 4-1897. LYLE AVE. 416. COLORED rooms.

S9 a week. ROBIN REAL TY. 109 Union. AL 4-1897. IRELAND ST.

1304. COLORED. rooms, bath. $62.50. ROBIN REAL TY.

109 Union. AL 4-1897. LAUDERDALE ROAD 319. 3 bed rooms, 3 baths. $125.

ROBIN REA1TY 109 Union. AL 4-1897 ELK INS AVE 3907-B. 3 rooms, bath $39 50 ROHIN REALTY. 109 Union St AL 4-1897. MADISON-5 rooms, bath, electric heat, storm windows.

At bus. MARTIN PATE. TW 8-5472. INGI.EWOOD -Redecorated 5 room, bsth, garage. churches, bus, $80.

TU 3-7406. NORTH PARK CIRCLE 2 bedroom, electric, sdulis, no pets. $75 i month CY 2-6712. DONEL80N 2 doors Merry Oaks Center. 3 bedrooms, radiant heat.

Immediate possession. TU 3-2675. INGLEWOOD Klrkland. 1138, 2 bed rooms down, space upstairs. UN 5-1232.

EAST Lllllan-1606, a rooms, bath, near bus, schools, shopping, $66. References. CA 7-4906. LONO BLVD. 3121, room house.

lull basem*nt, gas heat, $100 month. Phone CA 7-9200. LOO CABIN RD. 4605 3 bedrooms. electric heat.

1 1 baths, on bus litre. $100. CA7-5461. LNOLEWOOD Sell. rent.

9 rooms, 3 baths $80, shops, CA 1-4424. BELLEMEADE 6vroom brick, elec tric, lease, CY 2-3673, AL 4-1324. INGLEWOOD 6 room, gas heat. Near bus, school, $80. CO 3-2681.

NORTH 1830-llth rooms, bath. AL 5-3347. VULTEE 2-bedroom, $75. Good con dition. AL 4-0383.

4TH AVE. N-2007. 3 rooms, water In yard. $6 25 week. Mr.

Davis PARK CIRCLE "00. 2 bedroom, den. electric heat, $93. CY 3-6383. WEK 42110 Ave It HI oertronm J75 C8-43U.

AM j-184. WIMPOLB Airport bedroom, radiant heat, AL 5-7593. SMITH SP'ONOS RD 3 oedroom garage, electric heat. AL 6-2521. GARTLAND I rooms.

2 kitchens, pear bus. 865. CA 7-1814 URrortT AREA 2 bedroom, bath, garage. 870 2-3194. NORTH 6Vg rooms, convenient schools, bus, shoping.

AL 6-1323. 41 lit AVE NO -336. 5-room apartment, heat, water. $75 CY 3-541 WEST Dakota In rear sas heat. 4807, 3 rooms DONKIjsON-3 bedroom, redecorsted.

neai schools. '9ft UN 6-Oull. BEN ALIEN RD -5 rooms, bstk, 1- sere, 1.0. CO 2-4488. OAKLAND AVE 2411, 2-hrdroom.

Adults only. 883. AL.5-21 12 PKANKl.iN IENN A rooms 8 seres. ti AL COj-3H4 COUCH DR. 5806 nesr Ford Plant.

ModeriiJ bedroom. J7AL 4-3287. 8V8T room newly decorsted. ga-i ous. schools.

$65 AL 8-9(0 UADLSON 6 room. bath, gas heat 4i.35l Lanier Dr IW 6-2828. BORDEAUX -4 rooms, bath. Butane sss heat. 948.

3305 Curtis Rd. NOKTH-320 '9th Ave. 3 rooms CY 6-13J5. RIVERSIDE 3 bedroom, "rat, bus, school, CA 7-5241. SOUTH Colored, newly painted, near bus.

wired, wsler. AM 8-6H48 ViiXI1H1NE 4 rooms. 2331 C'ruscn. AL .8 HYDE 3-room house. ss hst.

CH 2-1117. EAST rooms, bath. $-0 month. nrar bus.AL 4-Jr7; CA 1-04M) Bvlr-DEAUX-Curtts Rd 4- roomgarscehouse AL 4-6SS8. WHKHWOOD -751.

Guest "housed bsih. bus. adu.ts. $45 At, 4-3IS7 CO 3-03 MAPLEWOOD AREA rooms, bath. CO $-4147.

wiibi.e g.oerte-jl3. 5-room newiy decorated, electric heat. HUNTERS LN-I448. off Dickerson Rd 4 room stone, electric $45. WOODBINE Wlnf or d.

2317. electric! AL 6-4411 belore 6 pm. MADISON Neat, modera 4 bath, storm windows, CA 6-3931, OLD 67 68 70 71 at Duplexes 65 CLENCLIFF ESTATES 2-bedroom deluxe apartment, large lot- eiectrlc heat air conditioned, garage. i5 AL 4-3519. nights CH 2-4834.

HILLSBORO-18th Ave S. 2013. Living room. 3 bedroom, dining room, kitchen, bath, full basem*nt with washer connection, gas furnace. $75.

CY 7-3966. FORREST HILLS Harding PL 1 bedroom, paneled den. living and dining room, kitchen and bath, private garage and utility room. Adults. No pets.

Shown by appointment. Call Days AL 5-4579 PORTER RD. 2406. large living room. 2 large bedrooms, tile bath, electric heat, stove furnished; completely private.

$85; Dee. 1. CO 2-0134. WEST MEADE deluxe 3 bedrooms, paneled kitchen large shady lot $90 CY 7-2371, CA i-7073 ANN WHITE 1 bedroom, fire- place, tile bath, garaee, washer connection in basem*nt, bua Adults. $65.

CY 1-0592. MADISON New 3 larte bedroom kitchen, living room, washer-drver connections, garage, nice yard, $80. CY 1-7935; CY 8-3441. NEAR DAVID LIPSCOMB BELMONT 3400. 3 bedrooms, aaraxe large storage attic, water and lawn care furnished.

Bus at door, one oiocK irom stores, vb 2-2817. wtB'i MEADE Section. 4 rooms. bath I bedroom built-in stove refrigerator Radiant heat 175 CY 2-0122 IROQUOIS AVE.4005 bedrooms, large living rootn. Very nice, ux b-osjj.

LEALAND Tyne. living room, dining room. 2 large bedrooms, kitchen tile bath, fireplace, garage. Beau tlful lawn. CY 2-7055.

INOLEWOOD Rosebank, 425, Nice 3 room duplex, radiant heat, prl vate. Good neighborhood, refer ences. Near bus. CA 7-0797. ELLIOTT 1818.

(Waverly), colored 1 bedroom apartment, range and refrigerator furnished, $50 month AL, 6-4809. MADISON House Ave. Extra nice 2 bedrooms, electric heat, storm windows. Agent AL S-1306 (Night) TW 8-3227. RAYON CITY 208 Rayon Dr rooms bath, gas neat.

$47 60 aer jnonth Call CH 3-6451 CENTRAL AVE. 3729-B. 3 rooms bath. $55. ROBIN REALTY 109 Union St.

AL 4-1897. GRANDVIEW DR. 1005-B. 4 rooms bath. $65.

ROBIN REALTY. 109 Union St. AL 4-1897. MURFREESBORO RD. Area, 3 bed room, electric heat, attached ga rage, $75.

TU 3-1608; AL 6-2437 LEALAND LANE Area. 3 bedrooms, garage, all electric. Near bus line Dec. 1st, $77 50, CY 7-6443 NEELV RENO RD MADISON 3-bedroom. $75 month, water fur nlshed.

CO 3-2595 INGLEWOOD Brick. 1 bedroom, all electric, garage, private couple $60. CO 3-6832. HAYESBORO 1st floor. 2 bedrooms, private entrances, garage, 880.

490f cabin Rd uu a-kvs. 43RD AVE N-510-A 2 bedroom modern duplex, newly painted. $60 watei furnished, open. CY 8-2756 EAST 8 rooms, good condition con venleut to everything. Call agent CH 2-0697.

BELMONT Excellent 2 bedrooms til hath, heat water, si rage, base ment, lawn care, 898, CO 3-45S3 LONG AVE 1808. Vacant i rooms nicelv decoratea. gas heat 1': baths $65, CY 1-1269 AL 4-9494 INGLEWOOD 6 room brick, aas heat bus. schools, conveniences private entrances. $85.

CO 2-5288 LEALAND LANE Area, new deluxe 2 bedrooms, bath, a 1 electric, car port $100 CY 2-2629. AM 9-6S2S BRENTWOOD PEACH PARK BEDROOM, ELECTRIC HEAT, $75 VE 20955, VE3-18f5 INOLEWOOD Living room dinette kitchen, bedroom, bath, electrl hest, water. $65. CY 7-6609 EASTLAND Nicely furnished lowe 3 rooms, tile bath, utilities. Adults, $75 CA 7-2689.

INGLEWOOD 2 bedrooms, electric heat, on bua line, close to schools UL 9-1464; CA 8-5483. INOLEWOOD 4 rooms, bath, radl an beat, garage, basem*nt. Stores, bUS, COUple. $75. CA 8-1652.

dh ACKLEFORD RD. 1503. New bedroom duplex, private garage $120 month. Adults. CY 8-2759 P.ISCO 6508.

4-rooms. electric heat, $35, weter. CY 8-4514. MADISON Private 4 rooms, electric heat, TW 6-3671. EAST nice 8 rooms, bsth.

stoker heat, water, $70. CA 8-6936. AVERLV -s rooms, bath, gas hes car bus CH 9-8881 INOLEWOOD 4-room O-bedrooml bath, radiant heat. CA 8-3647. tlVFKSIDF DR 3 spacious rooms psnelea tile bath CA 7-3820 ALLOWAY-746.

room. bath, a heat Mrs. Cole. AM 9-0422. MONTGOMERY AVE.

1314. New a room modern duplex. CA 8-0398 MADISON Neely Bend 454, 6 room, radiant heat. 885. TW 5-3333.

WEST 5207 Louisiana Ave. 3 rooms, bath. 835 month CH 3-6451, DONEION-2 bedroom rsnrh brick. radiant hest, sere, quiet, TU 3-5J01 RIVERSIDE St McKennell. Deluxe brick 4 room, AL (-8546: CY 3-0097 fNOIEWOOD- New 4-room.

radiant heat, near bus, school. CA 8-3111 47TH AVE. 713. 4 room, bath, $45. bus.

school, water. VE HI' I.SR0RO ID Modern 4 -onm Upper, redecorated. CY 2-1263. JOYWOOD 4 room f2-bedroom) bus; CY 7-5101 bath: at srhool: BLAIR 3204 Living-Bedroom, kitch en, tile bath. CY 6-3863.

EAST S. 13th-601. 8 rooms, bath, electric. JTO 2-3161. TU 3-7628.

JOYWOODJonea 1309. 8 3. bath, electric, J-O 3-7628. 65 Houses For Rent CALDWELL ESTATES Rental Purchase Place New 3-bedroom brick with at fached garage, one bedroom paneled, large kitchen, separate dining room, 1 Vi tile baths, corner lot, $117.50 per month. 550 deposit required.

LOT 35 SALEM DRIVE. B. WOODROOF, VE 2-6301 NORTH 1330 7th Avenue. 4 rooms bath, sas heat $50 00 NORTH 1313 7th Avenue tmo' 1 EASTLAND-214 Fall Street. I rooms, bsth.

lumace, 160 00 KASriAND 411 LookTand 4 rooms bsth stoker hest. 165 00 INGLEWOOD 1213 Shelton. looms, I'sth. stoker. $17 50.

8. L. Wrisht A Co. AL 6-4196 DONELSON PRESTIGE LOCATION! Large J. bedroom and den.

brick b'ths radiant ceiling heat, single or nntioie attached garage Con venient to schools. churches shopptnt ereg immediate Pos session. $125 per month Gordon eaver. CA 7-5941. CA 1-2509.

Res TU 3-7025. COLORED llh AVI NORTH-IDO. 1 rooms Weegly AVE NORTH-I31J. 4 rooms weexiy. TH AVE NORTH-1731.

3 rooms ua-n, neat. SIO Weekly KlBSHNER REALTY CO, tnureh 8t AL 6-Jno OLD HICKORY jucm lie. mew Bedroom snd urn nrut. euacnefl garaee. laun orv iscimiee.

sieving heat aiu- finnan end (loots School bis at door Onlv ft W) Aeent TH nights CO DONELSON HSI LIK6 NEW montns wt t. oedroom, attached ta'se bru house tile bath electric real onl month with option to bu with down pnierl Ater" AL S-Jjng CA FOR RENT SUBURBAN Ftre V'ew of Old Hickory take hC1s. LANE Just back of Andrew Jacsson a Hermltase. 6 rooms and tii. e.ecirir neat.

mfli Pssture fir Horses 11 ACHF.a teO month Mr Turner, AL HAYWOOD ACRES HS1 LIKE NEW I ti-iil electric lest full Bement Near bus Onlv $110 month wMn option lo euv Atenl Al s.ij CA 2 Houses F01 Sala $16,000 to $60,000 1 FRANKLIN ROAD CALDWELL COURT-A new dead end street Vi way between Franklin Road and Lealsnd Lane o.f CALDWELL LANE. Three new duplexes from $22,730 1 One Is a luxury type with built-in ther-mador stove and oven in the kitchen-den combination. ALSO a new three bedroom SPLIT LEVEL with built-in kitchen, huge den with and a carport. Price $23 2oO 0L CALL BILL HUTTON. CY 2-1207 or AL 4-5941.

FRANKLIN ROAD 4931 FRANKLIN ROAD A beautiful white colonial on 6 magnificently shaded acres. This five bedroom home Is in splendid condition throughout. It is currently being used as 2 apartment home, but is actually one family home. Many extras remain (wall to wall carpeting, air conditioning units etc.) A two acre lot can be sold off the property If desired. There Is also a guest house out back.

A paved drive leads off both Franklin Road and Overton Ave. 405C. For art appointment to see It, CALL JBILL HUTTON, OR WALTER KEITH at CY 3-1207 or CY 2-1285 or AL 4-5941. HILLSBORO ROAD 4206 FARRAR A splendid "Cape Cod" type 2 bedroom cottage suitable for a young couple or a retired older couple. This home is ln tip-top shape In and out.

Shady Va acre level lot ln convenient location. 208F, Price 00. CALL BILL HUTTON, CY 3-1207. or AL 4-5941 HILLSBORO ROAD 3933 CROSS CREEK A two bedroom, two bath home that has an attractive den with fireplace, 2 car detached garage. Paved drive.

Shady lot. 268D. Price $17,250.00. CALL BILL HUTTON, CY 2-1207 or AL 4-5941. BELLE MEADE 400 LYNWOOD BLVD.

FOUR BEDROOM COLONIAL in superb location. Three and one-half baths. Paved drive. WALL TO WALL carpeting remains. Where else can you find so much for so little.

Priced in low thirties. 473C. CALL BILL HUTTON. or WALTER KEITH, CY 2-1207 or CY 2-1285 or AL 4-5941. HARDING ROAD HILLWOOD 728 GREELEY.

Five year old "Medlln-Ivey" home near Hillwood Country Club. A beautiful one story three bedroom colonial. Many closets. Attractive den (with fireplace) done ln Honduras Mahogany. A beautiful shady elevated lot.

CENTRALLY A I CONDITIONED. Owner has left Nashville and price has Just been reduced to $35,500 00. 378G. This one Is hard to surpass CALL BILL HUTTON OR WALTER KEITH, CY 2-1207 or CY 2-1285 or AL 4-5941. HARDING ROAD WEST MEADE 409 Grayson Drive.

Owner built three bedroom on shady elevated lot ln St. Henry's Parrish. Owner has bought another home and is anxious for an offer. Paved drive. Built-in kitchen.

Den with raised fireplace Price S24.900 384K. CALL BILL HUTTON. CY 3-1207 or AL 4-5941. Dobson Johnson 3rd NatT Bank Bldg. AL 4-5941 3022 VANDERBILT PL bedrooms, panelled den; modern kitchen; nice shady lot; excellent condition; $10,500.

DUPLEX $7,500 WOODLAND 1 6052 room apart, ment. rent Owner occupies 4 rooms; nice built in kltch- eEAST $250 DOWN DEW ST. 1009 Clean 3 bedroom asbestos shingle; electric heat; near Shelby Park. 1908 ADELICIA $1,200 Down Residential OWNER WILL CARRY NOTES ON nnLnnVyfj, unnim, ukui, lot runs to SOUTH. DUPLEX $10,500 ARDBE 1316 4 rooms, bsth: 3 rooms, bath; ln basem*nt; eleclrlo heal ERE BAXTER $1 1 ,250 BEN ALLEN RD.

1006 4 bedroom brick; electric heat; 1 block to bus; shopping area. WOODBINE EVELYN 84 2 bedroom asbestos shingle: corner lot; electric heal; $250 DOWN MRS. GARDNER. CA 8-7547 NASHVILLE MORTOAOE AL 6-6672 2nd A- Union DAVID LIPSCOMB AREA GRAYBAR LANE 1115. Just the thing many of you are seeking.

Lovely living room, dining room, kitchen, 4-bed rooms, tile bath. Pull basem*nt, new gas furnace. Deep shady lot. Bus by door. Priced to sell.

Shown by appointment, call MILTON FOSTER. CY 7-8644 WEST END-DUPLEX ONE FLOOR PLAN duplex -rooms, bath, and 3-rooms. bsth. privste entrance. Gas heated.

Beautiful level 115xl90-It. corner lot Future sonllng of this area will make this property worth three fold the price asked. Terms arranged, call MILTON FOSTER. CY 7-8644 HILLSBORO VILLAGE LARGE FAMILY HOUSE or DUPLEX 16-room, 6-bath, brick. Excellent arrangement for duplex, gss furnace, Convenient to every- thing Shown by appointment onlv.

MILTON FOSTER, CY 7-8644 A. B. IVEY CO. 9Q5-I6th Ave. So.

AL S-2611 COMPARE HERMITAGE HILLS fit, WE ASK IS THAT YOU COMF OUT AND COMPARE OUR HOMFfl AND PRICES BEFORJJ YOU BUY. 3 bedrooms snd den. $12,700. Nothing down under VA losn. Some hsve i' bsths.

Large den and kitchen 22x13. -Basem*nt or attached as. rage. Tile bath with vanity. Sliding closet doors.

Aluminum storm sash. Choose your sewered lot. City and srhool busses. minutes of shopping center, 20 minutes of Nashville. BOB MINCY MINCY CONST.

CO. TU 3-8285 UN 5-0311 Nights TW S-2528: TW 5-3551 SPECIAL BARGAINS Slsnwvrk Dr, 2911, brick. 3 bedrooms A den, sttached garage, radiant heat, large lot 130x300. sie 3 years. $13-500 854 BRADFORD 4 spartment frame.

Includes furniture for 3 apsrtments, gas heat, corner lot. $13 950. 1225 SUNNYMEADE 1 bedrooms St den, fireplace, full basem*nt, lane lot. $18 950, 904 LISCHEY AVE. 8 room frame, suitsble for 1 families, $7,600.

SPAIN AVE. 7 room frame, full basem*nt, Urse lot. 150S200. $10 500. 24 FERN ST.

4 room frame, bssem*nt, stoker h'at $3 950 1115 SHARPE AVE. Frame duplex 4 rooms bsth each side gas heat, lot $3x198. $9 750. slsn many others to chooe from. JOHN WBB CO 7-5IKS WILEY WILSON SON 201 3rd Ave.

Resllors AL 1-8334 READ WANT ADS 59 Rooms With Board EAST Retired ladies, nice warm home, all conveniences, good food Reasonable Call CA 8-1349 EAST Gentleman. Comfortable. room. Good food, bus, ill. CA 7-2937.

BROADWAY 1 dally, meo only, eomfortaole room AL s-2026 BELMONT Twin beds, closet, good food Gentlemen CY 2-J64J. WOODBINE Room with or without board, private entrance. AL 5-8903 CAH AL 1616. Nice borne for settled people CA 7-5653. WEST END Lsrit room, for 1 or 2 jfxwl food CY 1-5174.

WOODMONT-Private home. room. meals optional. 51 9-6535 night. WEST END-3422.

lovely room, good meals. Gentleman, AM 9-0826. EA8T Private room, with or with out meals, Gentleman. CA 7-1518. 16TH AVE.

Good meals, Bua at door. 811. CH 2-1453. SOUTH Wedgewood, 124. board 3 8TH At ACKLEN retired or elderly men, Apartments Furnished DIXIE PL- Near Vanderbilt-Pea body Air conditioned apartment lor teachers or 4 girls or 4 Boys Clean, comlorUble attractive 2 bedrooms, reception room kitchen bath, private entrance, electric heat, all utilities paid No intoxl- cants.

AL 4-91)96 BELMONT Clayton. 1404. Lower living room, kitchen, dining area, bedroom, walk in cltwets, tile bath. Private entrances, garage, newly decorated, nicely furnished, air conditioned, heat, water, near bus Couple, IM). CY 3-8513.

VANDERBILT AREA Convenient to colleges and hospitals. Living room, bedroom, bath and kitchen Air conditioned. Walk-In closet heat, wstj-r, aiher-dryer. On bus llne; AdulU 90. AM 9-98S8.

WEST END-Efflclency llvlng-bed-room combination, with private batb and kltrhen, unusually iarve ano attractive utilities. 87S CY 2-5331. PEABODY-Vanderbllt area. 4 bed. rooms, i ostns.

Handsomely lur-ntshed, spacious. Private entrance. AM 9-6326 weekends, after I week days. EAST Lower attractive large living room, bedroom, kitchen, private bath, entrances, heat, water, parking, baby acceptd, $68 50. Call AL -5759.

WOODLAWN 2908 Specinu upper 1 -bedroom, dvlne room kitchen, oath, very ample Closet space. adulU. CY 7-7777 GREENLAND 1209. Upper 4 rooms, privet ostn, entrances. garae.

heat, water, phone, Couple, $75. ii-4 alter 8:30. VVE-41 END Al t'oll'ges. Hospitals Beautifully decorated, furnished, 'ooms bath, utilities paid, prlvste parsing. ISO CY 3-0487.

AL 5-7506 MADI80N New building, new fur nishings. B'e to appreciate, prl- veie. an ground floor, bus line TW 5-5221-TW 5-3537. WEST KND Altrscttve 4 rooms (1- bedroom twin bedsl bt closets orivsie. nrnressional women or couple CY 3-6759 WEST END Newly rtecoraied nicety furnished 1 bedroom apart ment, nrlvste entrances "team neat, garage, busCY I-1S66.

NEAR doneFon a-'airport SiiihII jrlvsu bath, utilities, besii t.fulli I d. gsrase. $80 oiontni coupn TU 3-1424 WEST END 4 rooms, comfortable attractively furnished, large closets, strictly private, bus, shop Ping, adults, AM 9-6678. WFST END At Colleees, Hospitals New modern a rcondltloned Inwpr 3 rooms, built In kitchen, nrlvste parsing, ty t-bazb. 'ilio 'rlrnom llvtne-dln- ini 'onm rnmhlned nice kltrhen hntn all nrlvste CY 1-2562 BFF.t H-1813, 3 rooms, bath, private immediate possession sit i au.

am 9-4842. GREEN HILLS 3 room dunler rsrpeted. rsrpnrt. utilities, $125 n-tmini or cv 2-7380. wcx)DLANI1512.

3 rooms, bsth steam best, bus, private, adults utilities, alter 5 p.m. CA 7-0444 OOODLETTSVILLE Accept house work or care of children for part or an psy. ul s-6401. bfi.i.e MEADE 2 rooms, bath furnished tuo FRANK WELOI i-none al s-4199 WEST END Hlllshoro. efficiency, near courses, bus, Kensington Ter rareaprtnients.

$80. CY 3-8806 10th AVE N-U03. Colored. room bath, weekdays after 4. AL 8-2491 wpcsFnos At, snnini Parg.

4 rooms Darn, urillties. cloieta. Adults only CA T-9867 A8HWOOD3 rooms, bath, private, nrst floor. sa heat, water Rca-sonahle. CA 6-40H5.

BHOAPWAY 3010 I to rooms slr-conrtitlnned television, shown day jr niBht.AL5-li4.lrt CH 2 WEST END 4 rooms. Oalh prlvste entrances heat, water furnii-herl Janitor service Adults CA 7-1915 S.ASt Chesicr. 1119 Modern 3-room duplex, bssem*nt. private en-iranre 75 Prefer adults WFST-Morrow Rd. Ladvhare nic home with same.

CY 3-6668 nights WEST FNll-Area: two efficiencies, completely prlvste. real nice CY 1-0663- CY 24TH AVE -I '106 Colored. 3-room. bsth. all private, heat.

bus. school CH 2-29H2 EAST Modern 3 rooms, private entrance hath, lights, water furnished. Couple. $60. CA 7-3874 WEST ENIV-livlng.

bedroom, kitchen, bath. het. waier $60. Adults SANDERS CO CY 1-3091 FAS''' 1 bedroom duplex, wa'er sinker het, nrir bus. adults, $70 CO 3-6766.

nMAHONOAl.D-3514. attractive 4 room mwer. aarsge. utilities turn lhed $80 per month. AM ESI 54lh-Charlotte, near bus stop aon nooonig center, couple only AM 9-0282 STRATTON 1423.

Living-bedroom paneled kitchen, bath, ornate $65 CA 1-4747. RroKFS IANK-J 1 roonu. 3 hsths. private, gentle-yen, references CY 7-6925. 17 AVE SO -1329, 2-bedrooms.

llv- room, aiding room, kltrhen net water, sdults. CY 1-60B5. BFIMONT-OIrl to shsre nlre furn- apartment. 1 alter vimsi ENO-Area. 3 rooms, private bath, utilities furnished Bn-iness aau is, tl l-JBjg; or CY 2-8104.

WAVFRLY-- Belmnnt-Paneledf evtr. nice, prlvste, bus utilities. Cou-I ''J'1'' AM -4M'i. TH AVE. 1601, Colored.

3 room, Couple. AL WFST END Private eVtrance.bed- room, oinette. gltchen. AM 8-4510 MrFlRRIN 7n73 3 tnd 3 rmn on b'l line. WEST END ert'onfiirnlshed eues aunts CY 3-8114 EAST- Lower nlshed.

adulta CA 7-3222 Hit 1 SBORO rrTratehareTltchen. business girl, $10 week. CY 1-5716 sr. a fT-Nice upper 3 rooms, venient, Lady CA I-OSIO. eon, CHAL- 7 rooms, couole, near Dir'el rollege, bus CO 3-3551 tAST-Nlrrly furnished, all private.

$65 After 3 30 pjri CA 1-2843 HIIISHORO Bill" lower 4 room bath children CY 1-3666 CHARLOTTE ft Arena-3 rooms, eon-venlenl Al TA.T CO 2-1145 Children Private lower utilities aeleome HlUfBORO- Lower tarsre nrlveie AdulO AL CV 8 168O we.HT rr.u efficiency; rrn. Richland, CY 2-4291 ASHVMVH) neat aa'e' 21 oaih orivs'e I A I tti BPLMONT-Lower or 1 rrps. home, utilities AM 8-0U2 MlliSBoHO-3 oorr per hest bsfty $70. pr'va'e up CY I-447J WEST B'osdwsy 1906 rooms private AL 4-9J91. AL 1-5075 FRANKLIN RD -upef 3 room," dinette, hall, bath Couple.

CY 3-194 INGLEWOOD Lovely 3-4 room, bsth bua. Business couple. CA t-iitt. WAVERLY Lower 3 rooms "orivete" CY7-34a2VIJ-77I7 BTLMoNT- Lower 3 large rooms, bath, utilities. CYJMXI91: AL 8-854 INGLE WOOD Adults, private, modern.

$75. ous CA (-7919 IAUAIIN RD 1110 rooms, nath. entrance t'nner CO 2-3424 I I.I.SBOHO West End. 4 and 3-ronm. hopllsls.

colleges CY l-44'J ioLIH-1 s'iri 7-room apsrtments Call AL i-80. St 19th 62 2 Apartments Furnished HILLfcBORO Pierce. 2116. Small apartment loi one lady CY 1-4439 NORTH Colored, lovely furnished apartment, gas heat. CY 1-9566.

PETWAY 1100. room, kitchen, utili ties, adults, bus, 811. CA 8-2747 -3 "oti ns'r ori-Couple, CH 3-1500. vate. clean.

22ND AVE. NORTH 213. 1-bedroom apartment. Ladies. CY 1-5076.

EAST HIGH AREA 2 rooms, private entrance. utllllies.CA 7-A164. 63RD 335. 1 large rooms and bath, 110 AM 9-9511 EAST Lower 3 room private balb. entrance, utilities.

CO 2-5550. GALLATIN RD 1104 Room kitchenette pus. Aduits. CA8-6737 AVE. 8 2 room bath, prlvste.

Utilities, 12, CA 8-0587. FATHERLAND 935 3 rooms, private bath. $12.50. Adults. CA 7-3229.

GREENWOOD Private 3 room, bath. Couple, work, 613.75. CA 8-0587. NORTH White, 2 nice rooms, utlll- ties, 119 wees, sl a-ossa. iUHItl rirmoBS, imv, vwiuiru.

room, near bus, 850. CH 2-4885. A RLY Upper 3 rooms, bath, private. Couple. 726 Benton Ave.

CEDAR LN 3 rooms, private, clean Adults. CY 7-8304 UPTOWN Demonbreun 702. 3-room apartment, sleeping roonv INGLEWOOD 2 rooms, utilities Working couple. CO 2-1967. SOUTH Colored.

Upper 3 rooms. modern, wormng coupie, j-iotj HII.L8BORO Efficiency, $10; $12 50. Call CY 1-0652. larger BELMONT Nice upper private 3 and bath, utilities, girls, $60. CY 1-7J63 WEST ENDCouple or 2 girls or 2 men.

Convenient, CY 1-W53. Apartments Unfurnished New Glenn Manor Apartments 1700 18th S. Beautiful Air Conditioned Efficiencies I end 2 bedrooms. AM9-4469 IROQUOIS APARTMENTS" Off West End in Acklen Park. Modern, 2 bedrooms, appliances, second floor.

$85.00. Available December I Days AL 5-0571 After 5 P.M. CY 2-997n OLD HICKORY LAKE Beautiful Lakeside Apartments offer new stove, refrigerator. bedrooms, water front facilities for only $75 DOBSON St JOHNSON AL 4-5941. BRINKHAVEN MADISON --Neat snoooins earner New 1-2 bedroom apartments ailh ail modern couvenlenes '2 50 uo Will furnish with new furniture UN 8-0011 or UN 5-0993 CHOICE NEIGHBORHOOD GRANNY WHITE-SHACKLEFORD bedroom lower private, tils bath.

shower, stove refrigerator. Available now CY CY 1-9441. DAVIDSON DRIVE- New 2 Bedroom apartments a I I distance school Basem*nt garages and itnrase areis $100 per ironth Call ROGER SHREITLER yy 2lit2t NOKMANUV CIRCLE DUPLEXES One oedroom. $52 50i I bedroom. $57 50 stove, refrigerator furnished Year lease Weekdays 9 to 4 CONDRA AI 6-4547 WAVERLY 8eetlon.

Cute 3 room ef flclency duplex apartment, separate utilities and entrances stove, refrigerator Only $45 niosth AL6-3308 Jacksonian Apartments 31ST and West End bedrooms, Pi baths, mwly drcoraied $157 50 AL4-5621 Ext 265 EAST-McOsvock Pk 143S. living room. 1-2 oed rooms, paneled kltch en. tile bath, beautiful. Bus at door, air conditioned.

Adulta CA 8-J666lCA 8-1419. WKSTBORO DR Living room. breakfast room, kitchen pondernsa pine paneled, bedroom has extra large closet, tile bath, water, tin trie heat. AM 9-4501. 155 EASTLAND AVE.

4HACIOUS upp' 4 room apartment, all utlltlr- serarate. Only $59 50 Agent A I CA 8-2519. RD Garage Apart ment 1 rooms shower, clean and cosy newly decorated. wate 'urnlshed $50 CY 2-3120, AL 5-3902 CASTLEMAN DR. 1 bedroom, living room, kitfhen.

bath, large closets strictlv prlvste. $0. Call after niCY 7-6660. MURFREEHBOHO RD. AREA bedrooms electric heaf.

Range and refrigerator furnished. Rent by November $73. ALJM930. HII.L8HORO Belmont. 4 rooms, air conditioned walLuvwall carpet ing, garage, utilities furnished $84 CY 3-8104.

MADISON Old Hickory. Ensley Ave 20, rooms, bath, heal. 150 ROBIN REALTY. 109 Union AL 4-1897 EASTLAND and 12th St. upper 4- rooms, near bus.

churches, shop. Ping center, All utilities furnished. A 8-5076. EASTLAND 1016 Upper 4 rooms $60 Also lower 5 rooms. 470 Uill Itlea (urnlshed CA 8-5581 Station 11 WHITLAND APARTMENTS WHITLAND 3810 Lower 6 room I balha.

large rooms, en pliinces, Ci 2-2434. CY 2-7536" CARUTHERS-1001 Upper 4 room, hath naneleit llwlntt mnm limn modern kitchen, redecorated. lights. water AL 4-3528. CV 3-4)433 CAST-ficott 1913 Modern 3 rooms.

bath, unfurnished Water furnished Private 1 floor plan Bus at door $65. CO 3-4140. tND rooms and bath Heat, water, stove and reman a-tot II 10 FRANK B. WELCH CO Al S-4I58. WOODMONT BLVD.

5-rooms, private bth and entrance, lleal- wntrr furnished. One bWk from bus and shopping center CY 2-1218 WAVERLY Spaolous, comfortable. decorsltd 4 rooms, baih. large closets, shopping, prlvste, bus heat, water; aduits. CV 3-1610 HILl SBORO Belmont.

3 rooms batn. newly redecorated, private entrance, neat. water, 867 50. CV i-4561, AL 4-1881. SHELBY COURT Exceptional 3 rooms, bath beat, Adults, CY 8-6604 HIM -SBORO To adults.

Upper apartment 3 bedrooms. SaO, AL Weekday, 10 to 12, 3 to i 1410 STREET Three Rootn and Bulb Agent ALpine 4-051" NFAR PFAHOOY VANPFRBILT Village utilities 160 Oar Cri 3-5l21nightCY WFST END-Upper 4Rnoms7 bath private heat, water Near schools CYJ-6164. CY 1-0069 EAST J-rooms Prlvste bath-entrance, pins paneled Water and hcet furnished CO 3-3J21. i It A APARTMENTS lovely one bedroom apartment, evsilsl'le Pec. 1st CY 1-4980.

1-bedroom apartment. 860 Agent. 1 3-3381. TU 3-6888. TU 3-3162 POR I'Er" Rlr 635.

Payluht bae-nient, 4 rooms, private bath, sas heat Call CH 3-7360. LISCHEY-1114 3-rooms, private bath, private entrance, utilities furnished. CA 8-6475. EAST 3 rooms, bath, wa'er fur nished, all private. CO3-3uiS FATHERLAND i "06, Lower 3 room private entrance, gas brat, aster furnished, bus.

school CA 7-9 16 UNPSI.KY AVE. 31. Uooer I large rooms, ball. bath. beat, water furnlthed.

private, FRANKLIN RD BsttlegTouna Apsrtmenia l-iimni, heat, water AL I1J1I VE 3-28H3 hei.i Veapk oi rscbcRi spa'tment. $5 All 4-5o0i Bvenirm CY T14I7 DONELWN AREA McOavpck Pk near shonplng certer bus two and den, $i0 monih. TU LONG AVE l(8 Vacant rooms nicly (tei-omied. ss heat l'j baths $60. CY 4-9484 HII LSBORO-Biakemore." 3707.

prl-vate 3 rooms, baih. heat and water. air-condllioned. FATHERLAND 1 M0. 3 room hlh.

i all private. ai1u. is. AM VANPERBILT ARFA-FORPE -3507 Lower new 1-bedroom aosrtmenl. $0 Electric heat.

A 1-0iil EAST-3 room, nrar Shelhv Parg! ptlvate front and berk entrsnc Call weekends. CA 7-3l'41 HII4SBORi Upper heal, aster, adults CY 7-8709 SHELBY 8fl l7jiper3rrK'msbsr'i i business lady. CA 7-w4hS. CA 7-4A19 52 EAST A KIRK 17th Hn.l 5 ELK LE 1 64 47 Phone CY 1-8443. Recrcario uppliei HUNTING GEAR piece ralnsults, a 95.

G. I ponchos. 1.95; 1 Camouflage nets, 3 95 up; plastic gun covers UNIVERSA1 TRADING CO. U05 Grundy AL 4-6148 TRADE GUNS, WE RENT GUNP New Browning. Winchester Remington Hunting Supplies BOB'S, 300 Main St At 4-0314 SHOTGUNS Estate offers shotguns, call CY 7-1413 after 6 p.m.

47-A Boats. Motors, Equipment HOUSEBOAT SPECIAL new 37 ft Houseboat, sleeps fresh water system, gas stove refrigerator 110 AC. 12 volt DC and Butane lighting 40 Bvtn rude motor, generator. Morse sin gle lever controls and Battery List price S4.00S.50. our price $2.999 95 CALGY 3 BOA rS AND SPORTING GOODS Phone 452-4542-Highway '09 South Gallslin.

Tennessee BOAT REPAIR REFINI8HINO FIBERGLASS PRECISION MARINE Oallatln. Tenn. Phone 452-5212 BOAT 1959 HlEilns. 18 ft Run about Mstnum model Original owner Speeds uo to 50 ml es net hour Kept tat Bost House since new Call AL 4-5829 BOAT 14 ft. Arkansas Traveler, 1957 Evlnrude motor, heavy utility, side steering and remote control.

9375 Can be seen at 728 Wedgewood AL 6-5700. BOAT 1956 DUMPHY, 14 ft. Llttl Dude Trailer 30 horse Johnion Motor, complete with electric stsrt er battery Skis. Call Law son CH 2-7351 BRYANT MARINE SERVICE Expert marine repair and recondl tionlng, Robertson Road at the River. Call CY 1-8941.

CRUISER 28 ft Chri Craft Express, Runabout, 19 ft. Mariner, both excellent condition, sell either; AL 6-7761, CY 7-4351 CASH PAID FOR OUTBOARD MOTORS Any Make. Model or Condition AL 4-8049 HOUSEBOAT-Sale or trade. 44 ft long. 10 ft.

wide, at Sanders Boat Dock. UN 5-0415 after 12 p.m. BOAT motor, trailer. and Jeep Call AM 9-0802. 48 Poultry and Supplies "HENS AND TU RKEYS" Wanted.

AL 6-8724. UN 8-1527 51 Livestock feed Hods And pits run 150 to 350 lbs Small pigs up to 4 months old. AM 9-40K5. HAY FOR SALE AL 5-5822 OKAD sMMSI HFMUVAl SERVICE for DAVIDSON County Hhuiir ml JJI HAY FOR SALE Will deliver. Cow fertiliser.

CO 3-2575. ANGUS -2 choice year old Regis tered Heifers UI 9-2682 ONlE8- For sale Will keep until Christmas IJ36 Bncg Church Pike PIGS 18. wormed and rung. 810 each. Call AL 4-6180 Pirs.

30. 8W 3-2579 Antloch. Tenn Route 3. Mt. View Road.

8ILAOE Wanted, haul reasonable distance, all or part, TU 3-6402. HOGS sows and pigs. H. O. Cllnard CH 2-8444 CALVES Or plus wanted, will trsde good '81 Dodge Sedan.

VE 3-I8D7 53 Coal, co*ke, Oil, Wood STOVE AND FIRE WOOD 88 rick CY 6 2910 SELECTED "LOGS FOR Cheerful fireplace, CY 7-7338. FIREPLACE WOOD any length. Call CH 2-7013. 55 Miscellaneous Wanted HlRNn URE-Want appliances, suns, antloues. contents ol home Cah FUQUA.

1105 Buchanan. AL 8-8193 56 Rooms furnished 1LLSBORO ALL NEW At Bus Private tile oath, private entrance Muse closets. Radiant neat, ty T-207I. HIU.HDORO Beautiful lower or. vate.

gitrnen. telpvlsion bus sss oulet. shopping, collriies Business anunii month, CY 1-8757 BELLE MEADE-Oreenhllla. large corner, bath, closets radiant heat, airrondltlnned. private or share home 3 adults.

CY 7-4819 FRANKLIN RD AREA well fur nished roiine man. prliaie rn-trance, sarags. refereness. CY J-859. WEST END Private living room bedroom Kitchen use.

bus Ladles 647.50. CY 7-7676 before Iju. MADISON Rooms with kitchen privileges, prlvste entrance, bath, gas heat. TW 8-6988. WHITLAND AVE.

Wleely fur nished bedroom, near bus. CY 1-0543. HEAR. OF IOWN AVE 8-120 Clean bedroom. tem ''est showers maid NORTH Colored, refined working girls, wall heal, twin beds, silting room, $6.

key. AL J-6520. VILLA PL. Heat, elector furnished. coiored 10 weekly or $40 monthly.

ALjl-705S. WEST END-Prlvate. adulta. Bright, comfortable, front room, adjoins bath. Gentleman.

CY 3-0953. HI1.L8BORO Near bus. shopping nice room, working girl. CY 1-45JO. night CY 1-1668.

WAVERLY Srrtlon, comfortable room, next baih, pruale Television. Business man. CY MU rt PHY A VE -201 3 "Vofo red Set" tied person Nice room. CH 2-1744 WOODBINE -Grnllemen. twin beds, clean, linens.

AL 4-8443. GREENWOOD 3017. nlre private room Oentleman. CA i-491 J. HIl.LSBO'tO- -Private entrsnce.

al bath, young man, CY S-ISTT. HI1 1.8ROHO Private or double, meals optional, bus CY l-44j NOR 1 1ST- 1109 light houseseep. Itig rooms, or sleeping CO 2-9liu Bl AIR bsth. BLVD 3231 nice room, at cn ue gllrhren AM 9-3161 WEST ENDMssler bedioom. Bhons, bath, gentlemen.

CY 3-3t82. OAI.LAT1N RD -Nlre large room private entrance, man CA 8-1515 EAST FRONT BEDROOM AL 6-5553 -i near (lenHeiixl) bus rests, mi clean ni rv quiet. 8-2087 ESTES RD -Private bath ft en trance man CY 3-1I9J CV 1-820I NORVE1X AVg-1438. 3-gtrls. nice bedroom, twin beds.

CA 1-1201, HILI8BORO Nice qu'et bull ness ladles, 1-6587. vTrt AVE SO -colored, nice room convenient CV 6-3506 s'ntATON-Prlvste entrance, elee-ric heat ro-m. CAJJ-1362 BELMONT Private home, on bus line Mesls optional CY 7-4589 EAST Quiet private, aettled gentle-man, references CA 7-2700, WEST-END entrance bath. Oentleman. CY 8-3984.

LONELSON Nlr room for men, prl- vate bath, bus TU bELLE MEADE Lower, private home, gentleman CY 3-72 17TH AVE SO. 3 rooms, utilities. private entrance. 610 AL Jj-Jdni EAST Twin beds, private bsth. share kltrhen.

Girls, CA J-2SM Bf LMO.NT Room. bath, private en trance. mn CY 6-1670. EAST Ntre sieeplng room, private Near Hi-Ho CA8-021 1 WEST FND-Room share hath, block bus. $6 Mn.

CY 8-4803 L-gM Houarkeapmt iVson tyjn i'tre eiean rooms gix furniture eomplete gttchen hot wai gasneat FUHN1HHEI3 RCSfJELL-8(l2 1 ment furnished or 3-room apart-CA 7-4306 I.AUKEI, IS2I larae clean rooms. complete iitcheti, cas heat boa watei f*ckNlbHED. AL S-7501 ITU a vi so -90S Heel?" furnished complete srrhen eas Best ho atet FUHMSHED AL S-7MTC is, W-e) Board "RAfKl.1N RD -Area. Private home. nlreiy furnished rreal nptlnnal.

stitleinai CY 6-1796 WEST fNDl2016, ladles or gentlV-n en; fine food, television, $10 and $12 wees. AL 1-9524. CH 3-0013. 61 regular 61295. Ukt new.

Sacrifice 785. L. C. TILLER, 1J3 th Ave. TOMMY TV SERVICE iHv-nlgh' calls IJ Guaranteed serv ice CY 1-3391 TO 3-2116.

YOUR UPRIGHT PIANO RES TYLER Into a Small Spinet Site KURTZ PIANO CO CY 1-449(1 1110 Bth So Nights. Vr 3-0755 TELEVISION Used New Picture tube. Good selection S5 down. ALLEN A BEAN CY MS31 TELEVISION Floor model, Fhtlco. 19 Inch.

Good aound and picture. Bargain, Moving. CY 1-2039. PIANO George Steele natural blond finish, practically new Upright, 1525. CY 7-9054.

ORGAN Electric, Wurlltxer, with percussion, Leslie speaker, like new. AL 5-8761. STEREO System, built In Nu-Tone, Intercom. 0 speakers. Below wholesale.

TU 3-5449 USED TELEVISION 19 89 UP Guaranteed terms MUNTZ TV 426 Broad SAXOPHONE Alto and case. Call Hendersonvllle 824-6721. 160. Cash Paid for Used Pianos Call AL 6-4948 USED PIANO WANTED Best prices AL 1-6780 Free Accordion-Cuitar Wlth lessons. Call AL 4-6557 ACROSONTC (Baldwin) Spinet" 1 1.000 value Now 8608.

TOLZ MUSIC 19th Wert End CLARINET Trumpet, Trombone. violin. Cheap. CA 7-294J. SAXOPHONE Conn, good, cost $355, use $125 CY 2-1938 after ptn.

42 Building Materials for Sala Save on Steel 1.000 ft l-Incti pipe, 12c ft.l 10,009 ft J-lncn tubing, like new. I8o Ki 000 ft 2-Inch standard olp. like new 25c 20.000 ft 2-lncb extra heavy pipe, like new. 35c 60.000 ft l-tncb souars tubing, lie ft: 10.000 ft. 1-Inch Pipe 650 ft.l 10.000 rt 4-lneh pipe, 80e ft.i rt.

f-lneb pipe. 91 IS 1.000 ft 6-lneb pipe 11 16 ft.l 8 010 ft 6- Inch pipe 1135 ft: 1.000 ft 8- inch pipe. 13 ft.i ft lo-lncb pipe. S3 rt. TENNESSEE STEEL SUPPLY CO.

710 lro bt AL 5-640' Hi 'USE PATTERNS S82 50 oer Ixi SHfcA THING $76 per SUPER KEMTONE 84 95 per gal VEPTFRN CEDAR PANELINO 812 M) per 106 TOO! RENTALS Fred Harhco*ck Sons 840 4th Ave South At S-3168 LEVY WRECKING CO. Comer Hermitage St Fairfield AL 6-6950, 8 to Brick, extra length lumber, gas furnaces, water heatera. bath tubs, commodes, Iron fence, electric equipment, doors and windows. "USED LUMBER BRICK Electrte water heater, bath room fixtures, tin, blorKs. doors windows.

121 Hermitage Bernler 8t VE 8-1672. Free hauling, cheap. PAINT DuPont outslrie white, 84 85 Oal fOaftmaster Poreh and Deck Enamel. t2 95 UNIVERSAL TRADING CO 1405 Orundy Al4-614l ALL KINDS OP TOOLS POR RENT Enamel paint. S3 95 ai at Quality house paint 8399 gal.

PUQUA. 1106 Buchanan, AL 6-8393 HEATERS 3-w portable 831 98 J-KW wall type 835 25 DAN oALEB SUPPLY 1522 Charlotte Ave CY 1-6816 BOUSE Only, tor sale or take gun or furniture in trade. 8 rooms bain. 2603 Orandvlew (Woodblnel, AL 6-0229 SINKS 21x32 double sinks 61395 HERMfTAGE HDWE CO 24lHermltageAve. AL 6-4713.

BtTILDINO MATERIALS RURKK WRECKS 4NOTHFR ONE 901 6th South AL 6-8979 Used Concrete Blocks Ton plcku Cheap. Call AL 8-7541 SHEET ROCK 0 CARTER HARDWARE CO 20 Broadway AL 4-5721 OVERHEAD OARAGE DOOR Standard, almost new, UN 5-0357 43 Machinery And Equipment TRACTORS Case Austin-Western hydraulic eranes patrol erarters rollers PH shovels, eranes drsi-lines SOUTHLAND TRACTORS In 316 Davidson CH 3-2531 TARPAULINS Heavy duty waterproof tarpaulins. 13 95 to 847 80 UN1VER8AI TRADING CO 1405 Orundv AL 4-614S PLANER Radial Saw 12" Shaner. Motors CY 2-0595 44 farm ruemn Suppliei NEW FARM TRACTOR TIRES Low Warehouse Prices ACUFP CO 3031 Wsst tnd-Cy 1-0522 TRACTOR Bsrain SOUTHERN FARM EQUIPMENT CO John Deere and Service Al 4-941 4t Does, Cat Pats SPECIAL SALE PARAKEETS $1 .95 CAGES. 95e AND UP CANARIES Yorkshire.

Norwich. Redlaclors guaranteed singers pv eat tn Blankets Beds, puppies. kittens, monkeys. Mynah bitds, fish. Hsmsters turtles Everything in stock for the care and comfort er youi pets KELLY'S PET SHOP 1100 8th Ave 8 AL 5-3691 PUPPIES.

KITTENS BIRDS FISH HAMHTEUS TURTLES JONES PET SHOP 18.2 21st Ave CY I-23SO Madison Shopping Centet TW 5-5' 34 co*ckER Spaniel Puppies for sale Beautiful, 6 weeks old AKC registered. Championship blood lines It R. Brown, 1406 Cannon Bld Shelbyviile. Tenn. TERRIERS Scottish, bl, ct and brlnile, SHOP 1100 $tb AL 8-2897.

duality puns KELLY'S Ptn Ave, 8 0 BPAOLK Pups, 10 weeks, AKC. 20 Field Champions last 4 generations Call CY 3-3706. LOLLIES-Pui'Pies. registi red AKC. sable and white.

I aeeks old Call CY l-U'93 after 4 30 p.m. ENGLISH SHEPHERD PUPPIES Registered, black and tan, excellent pet and stock AL 4-9060. 8EAOLF3 3 females, 16 months, running, $30 each. 1 male 8 months old. VI 2-7723.

BiRDDOOS Pointers and setters trained. Lankfords Grocery. 100 Highway, Falrvlew, Tenn. POINTER Pups. 7 wefks old.

aftr m. VE 3-3448. Call DOBERMAN P1NSCHER Female. AKC registered 7 7-68SO. OERMAN SHERPHERD puppies.

AKC. wormea snd snots. CY 7-7251 BEAOLK-Pup. AKC II VE 2-590 1 CHtHT! AHL A-TlnT "puppies, AKC TINY eturls at service. CY 2-1610 EAGLE Pt Call CA PI KINOESE Chihuahua AKC pups Stud service AL 6-I404.

OODLES Registered puppies, stud service nipping 1 a 8-6814 EKINOE.8E White. AKC Purebred Persian kittens. CY 8-1937. fOINTER 4 yam old. well broke.

registered. CO 3-0000 after 6 pm. iEKINOESB Male. Tan. 6 months old AKC, 660.

TW 8-3001. CHIHUAHUA Puppies had shots, one matron. AKCTH7-406 rNOI.ISHPU'iPupple, thorough! bred. 630. TU 3-4427, POINTER or setter lor sale.

Phone CA l34. BoXER pupplea, AKC, weeks old. males: females, CO 2-0734 BErtNARD Pure bred puppies CO 2-6892. AL 6-0139. All A I Alpine U4-1031O S'SVY) PHONE FRANK SMITHSON.

CY 7-CSS1. Dcbson Johnson 3-d Nat I BsnK P'dg AL i14 rlo, Dining room, large lot. TU 3-36 davg. TU msht. I0." hr'u T4ur EAAT 8 re: decorated Modern CA 1-109J M(sl eMkwiaj Mrah, Ui.

The Tennessean from Nashville, Tennessee (2024)


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Author: Twana Towne Ret

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Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

Address: Apt. 990 97439 Corwin Motorway, Port Eliseoburgh, NM 99144-2618

Phone: +5958753152963

Job: National Specialist

Hobby: Kayaking, Photography, Skydiving, Embroidery, Leather crafting, Orienteering, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.