Omaha World-Herald from Omaha, Nebraska (2024)

8 Morning World-Herald, Thursday, Feb. 1, 1951. Stock Market Trends Mixed Steels Mostly Lower; Aircrafts Strong What the Stock Market Did Number of advances 420 Tuesday Wednesday Stocks unchanged a 505 500 Number of declines 463 236 237 Total 1950-51 tasues traded ........1,181 1,200 New 1950-51 highs 119 jaws 0 0 Stocks in the Spotlight Most active stocks Wednesday: Net Pan Sales Close Chg. Am Airw 46,000 12 Rexall Drug ..33.800 Jones Lau St .30.800 Am Airlines .28.300 Steel .26.400 46 Canad Pac .25.600 2656 Am Pow Lt 25.000 185 St 1 San Fran .24.400 281 Comi Solv .22.500 265. Wheeling St1 ..20.100 41 Radio Corp 183, Unit Air Lines 27 Publick Indust .17.100 Budd Co ..16.900 East Air Lines .16.000 New York (P) -The spreading railroad strike and relaxation of the wage freeze caught the market off balance Wednesday stock: and tumbled prices into an irregular pattern.

Wall Street has been expecting exceptions to be made to the freeze, but there were some who were perturbed by the fact that more speed apparently is being shown in liberalizing wages than in clarifying the price control section. The steel division started its downward movement right from the opening of the market. There appeared to be some disappointment over U. S. Steel's 75-Gent dividend declaration.

Wheeling Steel made a twopoint advance on the strength of an earnings report that showed per share earnings of $11.59 for last year as against $4.27 the pre- A vious year. Two of the strongest spots in the market were aircrafts and air lines. Volume came to 2,340,000 shares, as compared with 2,480,000 shares Tuesday. In the bond market railroad loans were mixed. In the over-thecounter market, United States Treasuries were higher.

Dec. 31 Bank Deposits Hit 176 Billion Dollars New York (P) -American banks gained a record-breaking 000,000 in deposits in 1950, it was estimated by the publication "American Banker." The increase brought the total of deposits at the 1950 year-end $176.000.000,000, compared with $165.000,000,000 a year earlier. The 1940 total was $76,000,000,000. U.S. Securities New York NAP)-Closing over-the-counter U.

S. Government bonds Wednesday. Net Treasury Notes- Bid Asked Chg. Yld. 1954-51 .100.19 100.20 .98 1953-51 100.8 100.9 1.51 101.5 101.7 -1 1.00 1953-51 ..101 101.2 1.00 1955-51 ...100.11 100.13 1.52 ..100.30 101 1.59 .100.17 100.18 1.58| 1955-52 ..100.26 100.27 1.62 Dec.

100 20 100.21 1.64 1955-53 102.10 102.14 .95 1956-54 .104 104.4 1.00 1960-35 ..107.10 107.14 1.02 1958-56 .103.14 103.16 1.78 .102.12 102.14 1.79 1959-56 ..103.24 108.28 1.11 1963-58 110.26 1.21 1962-59 June 101.5 101.7 2.09 1962-59 Dec. ..101 101.2 2.11 1965-60 113.16 113.20 1.27 1967-62 .102.28 102.30 2.20 1068-63 .101.29 101.31 2.32 1969-64 ..101.12 101.14 2.37 1969-61 Dec. .....101.6 101.8 2.39 1970-65 .101 101.2 2.40 1971-66 ..100.28 100.30 2.43 1972-67 June ..100.21 100.23 2.44 1972-67 Sept. ....103.29 103.31 2.21 x21, 1972-67 Dec. .100.22 100.24 2.44 Federal Land Bank Bonds 1952-50 99.2 99.6.

1953-51 Jan. 99.4 99.8 1955-53 Feb. ..100.8 100.12 1957-55 Oct. 98.4 98.8 Subject to Federal taxes not to State Income taxes. Investment Funds New York, sociation Securities Bid Affiliated 4.85 Am Bus Sh 4.13 Ax Htn 10.43 Ax Fd 18.11 Bd Inv A 20.85 Boston Fd 23.09 Brd St Inv 20.18 Cen Sh Tr 37.58 Chem Fd 19.84 Comw Inv 6.73 Cons Inv 26.00 Diversd TE 9.07 Div Shrs 1.81 Bal 30.07 Stk 21.09 Fidelity Fd 33.01 Funda Inv 18.96 Gas Ind Fd 18.96 Gen Cap 66.18 Gen Inv 5.74 Groun Sec: Gen Bd 8.99 Ind Mch 9.13 Mining 6.90 Bond .88 RR Equip 5.30 Steel 8.27 Encom Fd 2.00 Inc Inv 30.86 Kevstone Cust: 27.55 26.17 19.48 12.11 17.79 28.14 33.07 17.61 17.46 7.12 Knick Fd ad 6 35 ManhBdFd 8.33 Wednesday (AP)-(National AsDealers, Inc.) Asked Bid Asked 5.24 MIT2dFd 16.28 17.60 1.48 MutFdBos 15.33 16.66 11.28 Mat Invest 15.58 17.22 19.68 NatWBalFd 15.34 16.46 Nat Invest 11.44 12.37 24.96 Natl Sec Ser: 21.82 Bd 7.35 8.03 40.63 Bd 7.69 8.40 21.46 PrefStk xd 7.81 8.54 7,32 Income 5.29 5.78 28.00 Stock xd 6.11 6.68 10.35 Ind Stk 8.94 9.77 1.99 Low Stk 6.02 6.58 32.15 Selected xd 4.67 5.10 22.55 Specul 4.15 4.54 35.69 Eng Fd 18.05 19.41 20.78 Stocks: 20.50 Auto 8.60 9.42 71.16 Aviat 10.72 11.75 6.21 Bldg Sup 10.38 11.38 Chem 16.54 18.13 9.85 Div Indus 5.29 5.80 10.00 Divers Inv 13.64 14.95 7.57 El Equip 13.38 14.66 3.17 Merch 13.50 14.90 5.82 Metals 12.88 14.12 9.06 Oils 25.65 28.11 2.17 Railroad 8.41 9.22 33.36 RR Equip 8.89 9.74 Steel 12.78 14.01 28.84 Putn Fd 18.15 19.52 28.55 RepubInvFd 3.26 3.56 Selc Am Sh 13.56 14.67 13.21 Shrhidrs Tr 24.94 26.47 19.41 St Str Inv 63.00 65.50 30.70 Telev Fd 12.74 13.89 36.07 Tr Ind Shrs .87 .96 19.22 UnBdFdB 19.89 19.05 Unit Inc Fd 11.88 12.91 7.77 6.96 Unit ScienFd 5.68 6.21 Welling Fd 19.69 21.48 9.13 MIT 35.11 37.96 Money and Exchange Omaha bank clearings Wednesday, 637.920.08, compared with $21.227,497.27 same day last year For January, 1951.

966.65. compared with $505.393,523.32 same month last year. States Treasury Position United, 29, 1951 Jan. 27, 1950 Net budget 380.172.359.98 Budget expenditures95.697.690.44 71,907.255.75 Cash July 4.956,162.971.93 Budget receipts fiscal year. 22.334.026.020.51 20.603.930,762.18| Budget expenditures fiscal 22,142.437,351.64 23.634.293,258.30 Budget 191.588,668.87 Budget 3,030,362,496.12 Total debt5256.058,883.633.65 $254.771,102.275.61 Decrease under previous Gold 24.394.829,778.51 Closing Foreign rates (Great Britain in dollars, Exchange Wednesday others in Canadian dollar In New York open market cents): 5t per cent discount or 94.93¾ U.

S. cents, up Great Britain, pound. unchanged: of a cent. 30 day futures up of cent: 60 days up of off a .003 cent. of a cent.

France, franc. .285 of A cent. unchanged. Belgium, franc, Holland. guilder.

26.26. up .02 of a cent. Italy, lira. of 3.48. a cent.

unchanged. Portugal, escudo. 19.37. unchanged. unchanged.

Switzerland, franc (free). 23.30, off .01 of Sweden, krona. cent. Argentina (free) Venezuela, 7.25; Brazil bolivar. (free).

30.06, 5.50; unMexico 11.57; changed. Kong dollar, 17,55, unchanged. Gasoline Chicago, 111. (UP)-Gasoline basis): Wednesday. (Southwestern 82 research octane (f.o.b.

Group 3) origin (northern Regular shipments). 10.375€ 10.50c: 42-44 ker2. osene. 8 375 No. 3.

9.25 (a 9.575c: No. 1 fuel. No. Omaha Regular 82 research octane gasoline: wholesale. 12.60 13c; W.

dealer. kerosene, 23c: T. 11.80 W. T. 15.3c: No.

1 fuel wholesale, 11.35 24.5c. Wholesale. T. 13.6c. Metal Prices New York -Spot non-ferrous metal prices Wednesday: Copper, pound, York.

Connecticut Valley. Lead. 17c New Zinc. pound. East St.

Louis. Tin. $1.83 a pound. New York. Scrap steel, No.

1 heavy, quoted at $51.50, Pittsburgh. IN. Y. Stock Exchange Closing New York, Wednesday (AP) -Stocks: Sales. in High Low Close Cng.

Net Market Averages Dow- Jones Stocks ABBOTT 1.60a 18 Net Acme Stl $2a 24 325. 33 Wednesday (INS)- High Low Close Adams Exp 1.52e 271 27. 27 248.83-0.75 Chg. Affil Cp $1 .80 22 15 20 Railroads Admiral 250.54 86.99 85.62 86.58+0.39 30 Industrials 247.43 Eq pt 10 10 15 Utilities 42.34 42.03 42.23+0.02 Reduct $3 .10 50 50 65 Stocks 93.87 92.68 93.36 unch Air 1.40 18 Alaska Jun 31 Aldens 1.50 24 Dow- Jones Bonds Cp 113 478 Net Alleghany pt 6 83 Wednesday (UP)- Close Chg. Alleg StI $2a 51 45 10 Bonds 0.06 Allen Ind 10 10 10 10 Higher rails Allied Chem $2a 41 601.

10 Second grade raiis 99.26 0.02 Allied Strs $3 25 46 Public urilities Allied St pi $4 10 Industrials Alils Chal $3a 32 433 Allis Ch pi 3.25 99 Leath 12 Sales Hds. in High Low Close Net Amal Amerada Pet $4 3 170 170 Federat Str 2.50 58 53 fAm Airlines 283 145 14 Firestone $4a 16 53 Am Airl pi 3.50 82 82 Firest pf 4.50 88 Am Bk Note $1 18 181 First Nat Str 106 106 .20 106 29 16 16 Firth Cpt 1.20a $3a 1 133 Am Bosch 1.20b Am Br Shoe $2a 23 11 421 Flintkote $2a Am Broadcast 103 Florida Pw 1.20 20 Am Cbl Rad 29 67 Fla Dw 9 Am Am Car Can $4 20 14 37 37 Florsh Sh A $la 3 16 16 Lt 1.25e 38 22 213 22 Am Car 80 79 79 Food Fair St 13 20 20 pf 1.19e 4 Food Mach 17 Ch $2a 11 301 Food Mach pf 3.25 1.20 Col 39 Am Chicle $2a 433- Fost Wheel $2a 98 98 98 5 24 24 Freak Str 11 46 45 Am Cryst 1.20 .80 Am Cryst pt 4.50 .10 12 Am $4a. Freeport Sul $5 4 86 86 86 Am Cyan pf 3.50 Fruen Tra $2b 13 Cyan 30 Am Distill $2 18 Frueh pt $4 1.10 91 90 91 Encaus .50 12 67 GAIR ROBT .60 25 13 123 123 Am For Pw 23 25 23 Gamble Gamble Sk Sk 60e Am 6 pt 12 77 753 77 pi 2.50 Am 2 pi 14 151, Gard Garrett Den 1.40a 22 215 22 Am Gas El $3 10 54 54 Cp 1.70e 12 22 215. Am Hide Lea 73 Gar Wood Ind 632 63 634 Am Home Pd 1.20a 23 31 Gaylord Cont 1.50 2 241 Am Inv Il 1.60b 2 Gen Am Inv: 3.30e 18 233 Am Loco Sla 12 22 22 Gen Bak 12 Am Loco pi $7 1 105 105 105 Gen Gen Eronze $1a 8 171 17 Am Fdy .80 20 Gen Cable 20 10 Metal Sla 10 Gen Cig pt $7 6 17 17 Cigar $1a Am Metal pf 4.50 .30 Elec 2.40a .90 115 115 Am Nat Molass Gas 1.60 44 29. Gen Fds Foods pt 2.40 3.50 59 2 79 Pw Lt 7.53e 245 3 103 103 103 St $1a 60 14 14 Ger.

Gen Instrue 10 Am Sat Rad Raz 24 Gen Mills Motors $2a 2 Am Ship Bid $3e .40 53 53 53 Gen Mot 5 pf $5 1 125 2.50h 154 50 3 Gen Mot pf 3.75 1 105 125 125 Smelt $1g 20 105 Am Smelt pi $7 .50 Gen Cem $2a 4 105 3 17 36 Gen Pub Ut 1.20 32 Sti Strs Fd $2 2.40 1 Gen Refract $2a Am Tel Tel $9 94 Gen 6 1 Tel $2 8 28 273. Trt wi 400 118 1 Gen Time $2a 4 Am Viscose Tobacco $3a 49 33 61 Rub $1a Am $2a 32 Gillette $2 21 421 Wat Wk .60 Gimbel Bros $1 12 Am Woolen $1e 24 433 423 43 Glean Harv $2 Am Wool pf $7 .80 101. 101 $1a 40 16 Glidden $2a 16 323 Am Anacon Zilne Cop $3e 72 41 Goebel Brew 20 914 91 Anac 3.50e Goodall Goodrich San 27 6 Anchor GI 1.60a 16 30 Goodrich 44 73 68 73 pt $5 2 102 102 102 Ander Pri Clayt Oil $3a 1.20a 23 363 Goodyear Goodyear $4a 26 72 72 Dan 51 Goth pf $5 5 Armco Stl 110 49 Grah Hos Paige $1 18 17 Armoc pi 4.50 9 126 125 125 48 3 3 Co 44 11 Grand Granby Min $1e 10 91 Armour pr pf $3e Gran Union $1b 10 Armst CK 2.60a 12 53 Stl 1.10g 585 58 58 Ck 4 pt 1 $1a 283 Grant Armst Ck pt 3.75 Gt Grayson Ir Rob $1 4 1537 1550 153. Ashl Oil $2 6 30 30 Gt Nor Ry Ore pi $1g 1.50e 80 13 Dry 1.60 58 235 54 Asad 2 $7 .20 10812 Gt West Sug 1.20a 9 203 Atchison $8a 38 1663 165 165 Green pf $7 .80 153 153 153 $5 3 111 111 111 Greenf I $2a 2 Inc Sla 8 $2a 1 23 23 23 At! Cst Line 125g 70 74 Grum Greyhound Airc $1 En 84 12 Atl Refin $4 66 62 26 4 3 Atlas Cp 1.60 29 Sug $1e 17 11 3 Guantan Pdr 1.80h 6 39 39 Gulf Mob 0 1.50e 48 26 Autom Cant $1 Gulf pt $5 8 6617 663- Avco Mfg .60 144 Gulf Oil $3a 23 BABBITT .60 5 Gulf Sta Ut 1.20 27 Bald Lima Ohio .60 94 34 225. 225 Harb HALLIBURTON Walker 2.50a 27 Balt Oh pf $5e 42 Hart $2a 6 17 2 28 28 Barber Out Hayes Mfg 14 734 Barker Bros Wk $2 253 213 Haz Hecht Atl GI 1.20a 14 26 Bayuk Ir Cig 80 $2 Heinz 1.80 Co 1.60 2 34 341 3 Fds $2a 12 34 34 34 Heinz pf 3.65 ,10 361.

361. Beat Beatrice Fds pf 3.37½ .10 103 103 103 Here Pdr 3.30e .50 321 He sh Choc $2a 26 683. 68 685 Beaunit pr 1.50 311 Hewitt Rob 1.60a 2 225 40 225 225. Beech Airc .80 10 3137 121. Heyden Chem 25 2117 Beech Aire Nut 1.75e 1.60 271 Hires Holland Furn $1 143 213- How $2a 10 24 24 pf 4.25 .40 Holly Homestake Sugar $3 $1 19 3917 39 Benef Bendix Ind Av $3a 1.50a 18 11 241 Houd Hooker El Hersh $2 1.25e 48 Benguet Mng Fin 2.40 325 325 26 Househ Fds $2a Houston Oil $2a 12 10 353 StI $1g 118 153 153 Howe Sound 55 55 Sti San pf 2.40a $7 3 Hud Hudson Mon 12 35 Bay $4a 58 Knox $1a SI 14 Hudson Mot $1a 51 181 1.

(E W) 42 Hunt Foods :751 221 221. Boeing Airp $3e 29 ILL Hupp Corp Alum 18 18 $3 CENT Borden Warn .60 $4a 33 67 Ill Term RR .80 28 10 10 Strs $1 Ill Power 2.20 19 35 Indust Ray $3b 64 64 64 Me pl 9 Ing Rand $1g xd 81 80 81 Boston Me 75 24 Inland Stl $2a 20 59 Braniff Brass Alrw 1.40a 15 15 Inspir Intercon Cop 2.25e 54 19 Rub 334 33 33 Briggs Mfg 3.50e Interlake Ir 1.50e 117 20 20 St $1a 16 33 33 33 Int Bush Mch $4b 14 220 Bristol My Gas 1.60 321 Int Harv $23 56 35 32 HE- Int Harv pf $7 1.10 179 179 Bg $1 123 Int Hyd El A 20 13 123 123. Balke 2.50e Int Miner Ch 41 26 2514 Erie $2e 24 17 Int Nick 1.60a 100 387 Co 1.60a 169 275 Int Paper $3b 63 53 Bullard $1a 3 Int Salt 76 731 76 Watch $33 3.50 127 Shoe $2.40 4217 cv pt 12 127 124 Int Silver $6 58 58 58 Add 25 153 Int Tel Tel 115 155 Bros 14 Int Util $1.20 22 Cop 12 Interst Str $2.50 351 35 AM .50 11 Iowa Ill $1.80 14 CAL.IF PACK 2.50a Iowa JAEGER $1.40 12 221 221.. Callahan 109 4 4 MCH 1 Calum Hes 14 Jewel Tea $3a 1 651, Campbell Dru Wy 2.50e 41 13 John John 36 16 78 Johns Manv Dry pf 4.25 .40 107 107 107. Jones Laugh 306 304.

Pac $1g 256 265 Joy KAN Mfg $2a I. 61 335 325 Carven Stl $2a 1 51 51 51 Kan City $1.60 10 251 253 Cp Sib 12 20 193 Sou Sou pf $4a $4 15 3 70 681 70 6834 68 70 Carrier Carrier pi 9 4 10 10 10 Kan $1.12 $2 Gen 27 Kelsey Hay A 293 291 291- I $3a 14 I Kelsey Hay Kennecott $2.50 49 74 Caterpil Tra Celanese $3 $7 .40 43 46 1413 3 Kern Land $3a 21 65 64 7 $1 pf 3 17 Keystone Celotex 15 Kimb Clark $2.40 18 45 441 25 Aguir 1.50 Kinney 181- Fdy 14 10 17 Koppers Co $2a 393 Ga Ry 12 Kresge $2a 3737 Ga Ry pi 44 44 Kress 53 53 53 Hud .60 93 Kroger Co $1.60 37 3634 37 Ill Lt 2.20 LACLEDE GAS .40 24 71 SW .90 61 Lambert $1.50 00 241 24 de Pas 3357 1 Lane Bry $1 00. -teed $1a Lane Wells 38 373 38 Pap 18 50 Lee Rub $3 16 Cp Va Lees Sons 4 2434 Ohio 1.50e 59 36 Lehigh 21 Chicago Cp .60 23 14 14 Leh Port $2a xd 52 511 52 Ill 13 Leh Val Coal Grt West 13 30 Leh Val RR 32 Grt pf 3.50e 10 3634 Lehman Corn 17 6637 67 SP SP Pac $2e 51 15 12 Lehn Fink pf $7e Lerner Str $1.50 10 265 261. NW 1.50e 14 OF Glass 93 341 NW pf 5.15e 18 47 Lib MeN .50 17 9 9 Pn Tool $2a 12 431 437- Life Savers RI Pac $3 12 Liggett Myers $4a 20 RI Pac pi $5 11 90 90 Lily Tulip $2 47 47 47 Yell Cab $1, Link Belt $4a 84 84 84 Cot Oil $1a 191 19 191 Lion Oil $2 42 Co 12 7 Liquid Carb $1a 191 Chrysler $2g 1.80 60 10 79 3234 323 Lockh Loew's Airc Inc $2a 1.50 55 26 171 17 375 17 381 Finan $4a 15 473- Lone St Cem 3.50a 5 801, 80 Invest .40 Long Bell A 3.50e 13 341 34 Prod 2.50 Lorillard 1.20a 12 2437 243 Strs 1.40 Louis 1.80 2 303 Equip $3a Lou Nash $1g 12 57 Gr Br $2a 32 Lowenstein $2a 10 Climax Mo Sla 30 Lukens Stl $1a 17 38 Clinton Fd 2.40 31 Cluett Cluett Pea Peab 4 $3e pf $4 341 MacAnd WD WK 1.50g 40 40 40 Cola Palm $4a $2a 124 53 123 123 Macy $2 34 361 3637 Mack Trucks 24 185 181. Palm pi 3.50 99 99 Magma Cop 8 34 3337 34 Colins Aik .25 23 Magnavox $1 27 16 155.

153 Ir 1.50a 70 24 237 Manati Sug 19 2537 3. Brd A So 1.60 2.40 11 31 50 293 Marac Oil .240 13 91 87 Manh Shirt 1.40 3 25 Gas .80 101 Marathon 51 421. 42 42 Pict 6 13 13 Marsh Field $2 351 35 Carbon $2a 10 45 453- Martin GL 39 133 Cred 4.80 25 495 Martin Par .60 12 Solv $la 226 34 Masonite 323 323 Comw Edis 1.60 62 281 281, Master El 1.60a 35 201 20 Conde Nast $1 11 103 103. Math Chem 1.60a 355 351 Nairn 1.50a 251 May Dept Str $3 62 61 62 Cigar $2 Maytag 1.40a Copperm 39 81 8 8 McCall $2 25 25 25 Edis $2 $5 94 McCrory Str $2a 341 McCord $2a Edis pf GE Bal 1.40 15 253 253 McGraw El $3a 13 50 4837 50 Grocers $1 25 1514 155, McIntyr 2.01a 59 59 Gas $2 000 McKess 2.40a 41 411. Ret St 1.20 15 1434 McLell Str 1.50a 23 23 Text 1.50 16 17 163- McQuay Nor $1 181 Vultee $16 123 19 Mead Corp 1.60a xd 18 Consum Pw 12 42 3234 33 Mengel $2 49 21 21 pf 4.50 1.10 112.

Mercant Str $1 55 Container 10 36 36 Merck Co $2a 11 631 63 63 Bak 1.60 6 18 18 Miami Con 1.15e 17 Bak pf 5.50 1.20 951 Mid Cont Pet $3a 34 59 Can $2a 31 Middle Ut 1.20 41 19 181 Diam 9 Midi StI Pd $3a 1.80h 7 46 413 453 46 Mot .40 78 13 111 11 11 Minn Minn Mol Honeyw 1.60 15 213 Oil $5e St! 1.40a Minn St Ry $1a 19 191 19 4 Cooper Bess $2b 28 28 St $1e 4 Prod 3.60b 68 Minn 20 42 42 Cornell Du 5 16 16 Minn 2.20 15 319 31 315 Corning GI $1a Mission Cp 6.25f 24 Inc 34 5 5 Mission Dv 8 15 Crane Co 1.60a 66 32 32 Mo Kan Tex 34 113 of Wh 1.60a Mo Tex pf 12 57 57 Crown Cork $1 18 18 Mo Pac pf 94 253 24 Crown Ck pf $2 371 Monarch Mch 2 217 Crucible St1 44 1 Mont Monsan Pw Chem 1.40 2.50a 34 32 77 213. 77 221 St1 pf $5 94 Am Sug 2235 223 Montg Ward $2a 30 701 70 Cudahy Pk 80 Morrell Pd .50 171 313 31 Cudahy Pub Pk pf 4.50 16 71 9 9 Mot Wheel $2a 13 28 71 71 Motor $2a Curtiss $1 11 Motorola $2a 26 473. 48 Curtiss Wr $2 Mueller Br $1a 9 DANA CP $3 13. 18 3333 331 293, Murray Cp $2a 14 22 Mullins Mfg 1.60a 37 181 Davison Ch 1.50 331 NASH KELV 119 221 215 22 Dayton Rub 4 Nat Acme $2a 3 Rec Oil .50 38 Nat Airlin .25 60 Rk $2 20 Nat Auto $2 12 Co .252 613 Nat Aviat 1.65e 19 1 Pw pi 1.40 Nat Bisc $2 59 333 33 333. Lt 1.20 22 22 Nat.

Bisc pf $7 .40 1841, RGW RGW pf $2e $5 74 73 61 61 Nat Can 17 8 Nat Cash Reg 2.60 13 471 47 471 Oil $1 Nat City Lin $1 9 1034 Edis 1.20 30 225 221 Nat Cont 42 12 1134 12 Ray A $2b 251 Nat Dairy Pd 2.80a 10 46 46 Match $2a 491 Nat Dept Str $la 22 221 Mot $1 22 181 Nat Distill $2 84 291 283 291 Str .60 10 Nat Gypsum 1.50e 36 191 Cp Seag 1.20a 19 29 29 Nat Lead $2a 22 701 Cp 1 60 16 153 15 153 Nat Pw Lt 68 Cup $2a Nat Steel $3a 17 Pepper .60 3 14 Nat Sug Ref $2a 29 29 29 Doehler Jar $22 10 33 33 Nat Sup 1.60a 34 Mines 22g 11 19 Nat Tea 1.60 19 243 Chem Airc $58 2.40b 104 89 Nehl Corp .70 6 127 Neisner Br 18 18 Dresser Ind 1.40 21 2202 New Eng El .80 Pont 5.35e 63 Newmont, $3b 111 110 111 EAGLE PICH 1.20a 11 225 223... Newport Ind 1.10e 14 Air 165 Newpt Ship $2a 6 363 5 Cp 12 20 Air Brake $2a 6 39 381- Stl 26 193. 19 Central $1e 158 Eastm Kod 92 443 45 St 9 220. 220 Kod pf $6 1.20 178 NY pi 1.50k 35 150. 148 149 Mig $2a 19 401 NYC Omnibus 14 175 Bro Str 1.20 4 18 18 NY NH Hart 11 223 Pd 1.40 NH pi 14 56 561 4 Auto Lite $3a 491- Nia Pw 1.40 99 221 22 221 Boat $1a 22 Nia Pw A 1.20 11 28 28 Mus In 16 2 2 Norf West $3a 21 523 52 Nat 15 15 15 No Am Avia 1.25e 84 171.

163 Elliott Co $1e 263 2634- No Amer Co. 1.20 62 185, 1814 Paso Gas 1.40 273 No Nat Gas 1.80 12 325 El 1.40 204 Nor Pac $2 73 Rad $15 39 153 15 15 Nor Sta Pw .70 54 101 John 1.60 32 Northw Airl 68 Off Bld .60 43 Northw A pl 211 20 RR 1.75e 109 233 Northw Tel 257 RR pf A $5 701 OHIO EDIS $2 14 321 32 32 Eversharp 25g Ohio Oil 35 481 Ex-Cell-O 1.50h 433 Okla 1.30 1 20 20 20 FAIRB MOR $28 50 50 Oliver Cp $2 10 Falardo Sug $2a Otis Elev $1g 351 Falstaff Brew $1 Owens Ill GI $1g 76 Family 'Fedders Fin Quig 1.40 $1 145 6 Pac PAC Fin COAST 1.608 22. 22 22 I Sales in Hds. High Low Close Gas El $2 22 33 Pac Light $3 Pac Mills $2a 2 461. Pac Tel $7 2.10 Pac Tin Con 8 53 Pac Oil 8.251 17 51 51 Packard 92 5 5 Pan A Airw 460 12 Panhand EPL $2 3 441.

Panh 39 91 83 Param Pict $2 21 22 22 Til $3 5 541 Park Utah 7 33 33 33 Parke Dav 1.80 12 433 431 Penn Sand $1 2214 221 Penn Dix Cem 1.60a 9 26 26 Patino Min $2e 6 185 Penney $2a 35 69 69 Penn $1a 84 Penn Salt 2.25e 551 5437 551 Peoples Gas $6 11837 Pepsi Cola 106 Pfizer $2a 90 893. Phelps Dod $4a Phila Elec 1.50 Phil Rd 1.40a 24 17 Philco 47 Philco pf 3.75 .50 93 921 93 Philip Mor $3a 22 52 Phillips Pet $4 xd 146 80 Pills Mills $2 3234 32 323 Pit Con Coal $3 413 Pit Forg 1.40b 5 18 18 Plate GI 2.50e 21 39 3 Pit Ser Steel 20 10 Pit 39 26 26 Plymouth Oil $2b 59 58 59 Poor Co $1a 181 Press StI Car 15 Proct Gam 2.60a Pub Sv Colo 1.40 12 Pub Sv 1.60 49 235 23 pref 1.40 42 Pub Sv Ind 1.80 12 29 Publick Ind $11 181 295. Pullman .50 10 46 46 Pure Oil $2 45 Purity Bk 2.40 2 Quak St Oil 1 QUAK OATS 32 RADIO CP 1.50e 184 19 Radio pf 3.50 79 79 79 Rayonier S2a 511- Reading Co $2 Rem Rand $1b, 22 Reo Motors 14 201 20 Repub Avia 52 Repub Stl 4.25e 114 463 Revere 15 Resall Drug 338 81 Reyn Met 1.20b 75 42 Reyn pf 5.50 4.30 155 150 155 Reyn Sorg 2 11 11 Rey Tob $2 25 Richfield $3a 18 55 Roan An Cop 40 Robbins Mills 1.50 1 41 41 41 Rob Fulton 1.50a 16 Rons Art MW 1.40a 16 Royal Type $2 Ruberoid 3.50b 571 SAFEWAY ST 2.40a 14 363 36 36 St Jos Lead 3.25b 50 493 San 1.50e 245 293 St. San pf $5 19 703 St Reg Pap 10a 51 13 131 Savage Arms 18 2034 Schenley Ind $2 103 Scott Pap $2 7 44 Seab AL RR $3a 33 Seab Oil 82 81 81 Sears Roeb $2a 52 Seiber Run 8 Servel 0 Sham 1.60 12 335, Sharp Doh 1.70e 5 Shell Oil $3a 19 Silver King 3 Simmons Co .50 11 321 323 Simonds $4e 2 53 Sinclair Oil $2a 75 Skelly Oil $3 79 79 79 Smith (40) 1.60 14 Smith Cpt 1.20a 13 205- Smith 4.20 pf 4.20 .20 92 92 92 Socony Vac 1.20a xd 98 275 275- Sou Am 9 So Rico Sug $8e aL 573 Sou Cal Enis $2 en Southern ('o .80 84 12 Sou Ind 1.50 3 Sou Nat Gas 2.50 13 40 40 Sou Nat Gas rt wi 41 South Pac $5a 53 70 Ry 21g 46 57 South Ry pf $5 Spalding $1a Sparks With 32 Sperry $2 15 321 32 321 Spiegel $1 72 Square Co 1.40a Squibb 1.60a 381 Std Brands 1.20a 49 Std Brands pf 3.50 2.30 943 933 Std 87 123 Std $4 pi 65 773 77 6 pf 1.50k 2 154 153 154 St 7 pi 1.75k 3 168 1651. 167 Std Oil Ca.

35 943 Std Oil NJ Ind $2b 22 1007 1.50g 94 100 Std Oil Ohio $2b 12 Std St Spg $2b Starrett 2.50e 43 43 43 Sterl Drug $2a 373. Stevens $2a 47 Stew Warn 1.40a 5 18 18 18 Stoke Van $1e 25 18 1756 173 Stone Web $2e 14 Studebaker 3.35e 151 33 33 Sun Chem .602 12 12 Sun Oil $16 703 703 Sunbeam $2a 15 501 491 Sunray Oil $1 97 183 Sunray pf pf A 1.06 14 24 241. Sunsh Bis $4 3 57 563 Sunshine Mn .80 15 Sup Oil Cal $3e 1 390 390 390 Superior Stl 18 Swift Co 1.60a 26 38 38 Sylv El Pd $2a 23 283 Sym Gould 4 93 TENN CP 1.60a 16 311, Texas Co $4a 38 92 Tex Gulf Prod $1a 25 Tex Gulf Sul $4a 10 105 103 103 Tex Pac 8 Tex Pac Tr 1.70e 23 85 863 Textron $1 14 193 193- Textron pf 1.25 2134 211. Thermoid Co 09 9 Thompson 00 73 71 Thompson Pd $2 Thomp Star 4 Tide Wa As 1.60a 10 35 34 345- Timk Det Ax 1.75 22 22 213 Timk Bear 3.50e 13 Trans Air 99 273 26 Transamer 27 Tri Cont Cp 55 12 Truax Ira 1.40 8 17 Twent Fox $2 14 22 213 Twin City P. 5 Twin pr pf 2.50 .40 38 38 38 Twin Coach 0 UNDERWOOD $4e Ur: Asb Rub $1 133 Un Bag $2a 3 43 43 Un Carbide $2a xd 56 563- Un Oil Cal $2 40 355- Pac $5a 9 108 108 Un Pac pf $2 8 511 Un Tank Car 2.60 2 383 Unit Air Lin 176 271 Unit Air pt 4.50 24 117 115 117 Unit Airc $2e 65 353 34 343 Unit Bisc 1.60a 3 Unit Carbon 2.40 14 48 48 Un Cig Wh Str 122 United Corp .20 50 Unit Fruit $3a 17 68 68 Unit Gas (p $1 45 Un Gas Imp 1.40 9 27 27 Un Param Th $2 30 193 193.

Un Par Th ct $2 195 US For Sec 2.25e 28 445 US Freight $1a 2 Gypsum $4a 16 1153 US Hoff Mch 8 18 173 173 US Ind Chem 60 54 US Leather 17 223. 2212 223- US Tines $2 39 191 US Pipe $3 11 421 42 US Plywood 1.40 19 395 US Rubber $3a 27 56 US Rub pi $8 3.70 140 140 140 US Sincit 39 57 57 Steel 266 to Tob pf 1.35e $7 14 153 152 153 9 Unit Stkyd 2 7 7 7 Un Wallpap 31 4 4 Un Wallpap pi $2 2 27 263 27 Univ Cye Stl $1a 27 Univ Li Tb 1.20a 23 23 Univ Pict 22 103 103. Univ Pict pt 4.25 3 571 Utah 1.80 VANAD CP 78 Vert Cam Sug $2 Vick Chem 1.20 253 Vict Ch Wk 2.25e 50 491 50 Va Caro Chem 12 Virg Ry 2.50 4 Visking Cp $2a Vulcan 1.40a 20 20 WALGREEN 1.60a Walworth Ward Bak $1a 6 19 19 19 Warner Pict $1 70 12 12 Warren Fdy 3734 373.... Warren Pet .80 32 325 Waukesha Mot $1 Wayne Pump 12 18 175 Webster Tob 15 85. 81 Wesson 1.40 343 West Ind Sug $2 11 323 321 323 Ky Coal $2a 283 281 Penn El $2 26 281 28 231 Western Air 58 West Auto Sup $3a 10 46 46 Pac $3 9 525 West Un Tel $2e 11 43 West Air Br $2a 18 West Elec 149 Wheel Stl $3 201 41 Wheel Stl pr of $5 .60 923 92 White Dent 1.50a 30 303 Whtie Mot $2a 7 28 White Sew $2a 20 21 203 Willys Over 56 Willys Ov pt 4.50 2 $1 19 133 Wilson Co pi 4.25 1 85 85 85 Wise El Pw 1.20 xd 15 20 20 Woolworth $2a 59 455 Worth $2a 22 275- 34 Wor cv pr pf 4.50 104 104 Wrigley $3a Wyand Wor YORK CORP .50 York Corp pf $2.25 393.

Young Soy $1a 4 355 355 Young Sh $1h 23 Youngst Dr $1a 2 183 ZENITH RADIO $2a 46 60 603 Zonite Pd 18 Stock sales, Wednesday. 2,340.000 shares: previous day, 2.480,000; week ago. 1.989,440: month ago, 3.366.552: year ago. 1.810.460; two years ago, 722.550; January 1 to date. 70.189.880: 1950 to date.

44,386,575: 1949 to date. 20.281.- 254: 1948 to date, 1947 to date, 28.315,650. Rates of dividends in the foregoing table are annual disbursem*nts based on the last quarterly or semi-annual declaration. Unless otherwise noted, special or extra dividends are not included. cld-Called.

xd-Ex dividend. xr-Ex rights. x-dis-Ex distribution. wd-When distributed. wi-When issued.

a-Also extra or extras. b-Plus last year. 1-Payable in stock. estimated cash value en ex-dividend date. g- Declared or paid SO far this year.

h-Declared or paid after stock dividend cr split-up. k-Declared or paid this year. an accumulative issue with dividend in arrears. p-Paid this year. dividend om'tted, deferred or no action taken at last dividend meeting.

r-Declared 1951 payable in 1952. -Liquidating dividend. 2-Payable in stock. exact cash value undetermined on dec'artion date. Quotations Naval Stores Savannah.

Ga. (AP) 92c a galIon Wednesday. Rosin unchanged. Some Markets Still Closed New York (INS) -Trading in cotton, coffee, hides, cottonseed oil, wool futures and wool tops remained suspended Wednesday pending clarification of the general price ceiling regulation. Net Chg.

GuideSome Income Tax-Exempt Social Security Aid Not Assessable One of a Series Although the increase in withholding tax for 1950 did not become effective until last October 1, this date has no significance for calendar year taxpayers in compiling their tax returns. For them, the increase in tax rates is spread evenly over the entire year's income. However, for certain fiscal year taxpayers, a proration of. the tax is necessary, and for taxpayers a special form, 1040Y, has been prepared. The percentage from the 1950 tentative shown reductions, in the computation tabulation on Page 3 of 1040.

Taxpayers who determine their tax from the alternative table on Page 4 of the form do not have to bother with these percentages; neither, of course, do taxpayers using Form 1040A. This factor is taken into account by the table. Exempt Items Among the chief forms of taxexempt income are all Social Security benefits (old age insurance, Federal-state assistance, unemployment pay, and railroad retirement annuities.) Life insurance paid by reason of the death of the insured (whether in a lump sum or installments) is exempt. Other items exempt from income tax are: Enlisted men's entire service pay for each month in a combat zone; and officers' service pay up to $200 for each such month. All government payments made to veterans and their families, except nondisability retirement pay and terminal leave bonds interest.

Dividends on veterans' government insurance. Gifts, inheritances, and bequests. Compensation, insurance, and da damages for bodily injury or sickness. Interest on state and municipal bonds, and on certain Federal Government bonds issued before March. 1, 1941, subject to limitations on the amount of exemption allowed on most such issues.

Some Dividends Not Taxed A return of capital is not income and therefore not subject to income tax. Recoveries on previously deducted bad debts are taxfree to the extent that the prior deductions did not result in a tax benefit. Corporation dividends are entirely taxable as a rule, but liquidating dividends and dividends paid from capital are exempt. A corporation informs its stockholders if any portion of dividend nontaxable. Amounts received under an endowment or life insurance, policy during the lifetime of the insured are not taxable until such amounts exceed the net premiums paid for the policy.

Unless an endowment income option is selected before maturity of the policy, the Revenue Bureau assumes that the policy holder receives the entire proceeds at maturity, even if he later takes an income settlement. Most Pensions Taxable Except for Social Security and railroad retirement, pensions to retired workers are generally treated as taxable compensation for past services. to which the taxpayer contributed are taxed under a special method, explained in schedule of form 1040 and in the accompanying instruction sheet. All types of exempt income should be excluded from gross income shown in the tax return. Copyright, 1951.

N. Y. Bond Market New York (AP)-No trading recorded In United States Government Bonds Wednesday the New York Stock Exchange. Corporation Bonds Close. Close.

AM FP 5 2030 97. IntGN1st6 52 1021, 63 1125 SOU 4 1045 73 1065. LAUT inc 75 59 Leh VHT 5 84 87 Leh 5 2003 57 Leh 2003B 61 Leh 2003 691 75 Lorillard 3 63 80 987 MSPSSM 4 91 86 M-K-T 5 62 A Am Tob 86 M-K-T aj 5 67 Am Tob 3 62 M-K-T 1st 4 90 98 ATSF 4 95 Mo 51 49 69 ACL 4 52 1023. Mo 5 65A 6 95J 92 Mo 5 77 109 5 75B Mo 4 75 98 5 5 96M 95G Mor Mor 55 97 81. 2000 65 5 2000K NAT STL 3 65 cv 2010 Term 4 53 1021 4 75A NOTM 54 104 SW 5 80 NYC 5 2013 86 TC 4 85 90 NYC 2013A BostMe 70 NYC 4 98 74 BostMe 4 60 NYCHR 31 97 93 But 57st 815 NYNH CAN 4 perp NYOW 4 92 Cap Airl 4 60A 951 75 1013 Cap Airl 4 60B Nort 5 2014 Celan 3 65 75 Cen Ga 41.

2020B Nor 4 97 Cen Ga 4 95 Nor 3 2047 721, CRRNJ 87 561 PEN 5 68 114 96D 104 Pen RR 65 1091 77 107 Pen RR 81 10714 inc 97 RDG 95 953 70 100 Phil -El 23 74 1011, CGW 2038 94 STLSF 2022 933 2003 6854 StISF 4 97 1035 2044 73 SeaALi 2016 96 CMSPP 4. 94 Sea A 3 80 100 99 73 3 79 1055 CCCSL 77 So 87 CI UT 5 73 105 Pac 69 CI UT 41, 77 So Pa Or 77 Colo 3 77 80 93 So Pac cv 3 60 Com Ed 106 Sou Ry 6 56 108 Con Con Ed Ed cv 3 82 63 121 Sou Ry 5 94 Sou Ry 4 56 100 ConsP 75 103 Sw Bell 85 DEL 4 63 100 Std Del DelPL 3 inc 93 77 Std NJ 74. 71 3-4 73 TEX COR 3 65 1043 93 2018 85 ERIE 2015 90 Th Ave 5 60 333 GT NOR Th Ave 4 60 64 10034 PAC 91 95 HUD 2044B VA RY 3 95 5 62A 1001 SH 4 rig5 57 Pac 2361 inc5 57 51. West 3 2014 1075 ILL BELL 23 Un 60 104 ICCSL 81 We El cv. 2.65s73 Wis 4 SD 36 113 ICCSL 63 67 Foreign Bonds Antioq 3 78 Close.

Close. Australia 40 It Ut 2-3 77 30 5 55 Italn 2-3 77 Braz Japan 54 ChileMB 6 62a 3634 Japan 65 63 Chile 6 60asd 363 5 59 54 Chile 2-3 93 353 Mex 410-63nsmasd 125 Colomb 3 70 Norway 4 63 955 Costa Copenh 5 Peru 1st6 60 52 7 51 305 Pol 68asd 53 Cundin 3 78 39 Sydney 57 Denmk 6 42 TaiwanEl 71 881 Denmk 62 Tokyo City 5 52. 381 El Salv 76 Tokyo El Lt Gt Con El 50 49 Ur aj 79 53 6 It Con 2-3 77 Yokohama 6 61 Total bond sales Wednesday. $4.400.000: month previous day, $4,690.000: week ago, $5,887.000: two years ago, $4,444,000: yar ago, ago, $3,324,600: January 1 to date. to $120.005.900: 1950 to date, 1949 date, $76,167,500.

Financial Notes Compiled from Press Dispatches. Electrical power production increased to 6.969.566.000 kilowatt hours in the week ended week, January Edison 27 from Electric 6,908.818.000 Institute the previous reported. The Midwest Stock Exchange in the first fiscal year of operation ended November 30 had a net profit of $38,150, James E. Day, president, said. Federated Department Stores Inc.

announced it plans a stock dividend of one share of common for each five shares held. Distribution dates have not yet been determined, President Fred Lazarus, said. The Bureau of Mines estimated that the nation will consume or export 5,780.000 barrels of domestic crude oil daily during February. Swine Prices Switch Lower Cattle Direction Firm; Lambs Hit $36.75 Year's Receipts to Date at Omaha (Total Unloadings) 1951 1950 Incr. Deer.

Cattle .143,995 138,524 5.471 Hogs ..369,027 362,722 6.305 Sheep ..100,759 101,741 982 Receipts at Eight Markets Wednesday (On Sale Only) Cattle Hogs Sheep xOmaha (actual 8,503 13,062 4.864 Chicago (estimated) 9,000 9,000 1,000 Paul (estimated) 5,500 12,000 1,500 Sioux City 4,500 11.500 1,000 Kansas City (estimated) 3.000 3,500 1,500 Denver 1,500 1,000 6,000 St. Joseph 2.500 3,500 1,000 St. Louis (estimated) 2,500 9,000 500 Totals .37,003 62.562 17,364 xIn addition to above, Omaha received 2,532 hogs direct and 91 cattle through. By Harry Bothmer Hog prices took a lower turn in Omaha Wednesday as increased supplies gave buyers the advantage. Butchers sold generally lower, some 50c off.

Sows ruled steady to 25c down. The pockuprice freeze injected a note One West Coast interest said it had already begun to hamper operations in their plant. They deal extensively in whole swine carcasses, less head, leaf lard, kidneys and livers. Under the freeze order, their maximum charge for such carcasses is 34c a pound. They figured, on the basis of Wednesday's $21.50 here, the dressed hogs would cost them a pound on the rail of their Pacific Coast plant.

Handling charges, they added, must come out of margin so, in view of this squeeze, they had decided to "soft pedal" buying here whenever the top goes above $21.50. Strike Hampers Shippers Barrows and gilts 180-240 pounds sold at inside figure top to major packers. Weights 240-270 pounds brought 270-300, 300-360, $20 20.75. Sows 19.50. Stags Shipper buyers in the cattle market were slowed up by the wildcat railroad strike in terminals affecting eastern consingments.

Receipts also were increased, but carried a steady to 25c higher nevertheless most cattle classes complexion. Numerous desirable steers turned at $33.50 35.75, better kinds latter for 1,368 pound averages. Top of $38 went to 1,186 pound weights. Medium to good steers and bulk of heifers cashed at not many steers below $31, however. Better heifers sold from $35, highest figure paid for 954 to 1,107 pound weights.

Beef cows 25. specialists to $26, and cutreanners ters largely 22.50. Good sausage bulls less desirable bolognas and good heavy beef bulls Vealers were tically unobtainable, quoted at $37. Feeder Yearlings $36 Turnovers in replacement steers chalked up some new high prices. Yearlings averaging from 635 to 641 pounds sold at $36, weights 763 to 1,032 pounds $35 and 882 pound averages $35.25.

There were about 190 head in the drove. One lot steers averaging 568 lbs. was reported at $39. Young stock cows up to $26. Orders from the outside for slaughter lambs were held up due to the switchman walkout, but 10- cal needs spurred a steady to 25c higher trade.

Two loads of 95 and 104 pound woolskins reached $36.75, another record high. Other wools brought fed shorn lambs, 102 pounds and mostly fall pelts two loads No. 1 pelts, 106 pounds, $32.25. Slaughter ewes sold to $20, quotable top unestablished because of acute scarcity. A small lot of 79 pound feeder lambs were taken out at $36, highest ever paid here.

Other Livestock Markets Wednesday: Chicago--Steers Compiled from USDA reports. opened steady to 50c higher. closed steady to 50c lower; heifers closed weak; cows firm: toppy steers. good -choice. $31.50 37.50; lower grades down to $29; good-choice heifers.

bulk beef cows, bulls to veals. $40. Fed wooled lambs, higher at $37.50: shorn lambs steady to weak: fall shorn, $33.50: summer shorn, $34; 80-pounders to Seeders $32. Hogs, lower at top, sows, $17.25 19.25; stags, Sicux City -Steers and she stock steady to strong: better steers. others.

$29 33.50; top heifers. $34: good, $30 (a 32.50; beef cows, few, $26; 826-1b. Canadian feeder steers. $35. Hogs steady to extremes 50c lower at $19.50 feeder pigs, sows firm at Lamb- strong to 25c higher; fed woolies.

$36 fall shorn, No. 1 pelts, $32.25. Kansas City--Steers and she stock steady to 25c or more higher top steers, $37; bulk, $28.50 better heifers, cannercutter cows. 23. Lam's.

ligher: best native woolies, clips to slaughter ewes to or strong to $1 higher, Hogs bulked at $20.50 21.75. St Joseph-Steers and she stock steady: best steers. $36 36.25: others, generally 35.50; mixed yearlings to $33. Sheep steady to strong: fed wooled lambs, $36.50: natives, $35.50 36; summer shorn lambs $34; ewes to $21. Hogs averaged tseady; top, bulk, $20.50 21.25; sows, Denver--Better steers.

choice heifers, others. cows to $26.35. Lamb: steady except shorn kinds unevenly higher in spots: numerous woolies, $36; choice fall shorn, $33.50: feeder lambs priced higher. Hops topped at $.2.25. Iowa Hog Markets Des Moines (AP) (USDA) -Receipts at Iowa and Southern Minnesota packing plants and stations important concentration yards and buying Wednesday 63,000, week ago 66,000, year ago 36,500.

shipper Steady to 25c higher, although occasionally bids steady to 25c lower. Barrows and gilts. good and choice (in lbs): 160-180 $18.50 20.75; 180-200 $20.50 21.25: 200-240 $20.75 21.25: 240-270 $20.45 21; 270- 300 300-330 $19.85 20.35; 330- 360 Sows. 270-300 $19.25 20: 300-330 19.75: 330-360 $19 360-400 $18.75 19.25; 400-450 450-550 IN. Y.

Curb New York, Wednesday Close. AINSWORTH 12. Alaska Airl 61 Allied Pd 233 Alum Co Am 71 Am Ban Car A Am Seal Kap 103 Am Superpow 11 Ark Gas 12 Ark Gas A 1216 Atlan Fish Atlas Cp war Atlas Ply BABco*ck 411 Barium Stl Bellan Aire Blue Ridge Braz Tr 24 Breeze -p Brown Dis 221 Bunk Hill Burma Ltd Burry Bis CALG ED Cal El Pw Can Marconi Carr Bisc Cessna Airc Chief Mng 13 Cities Serv Clarost MI 53 Claude Neon Colon Dev 53 Colonial Airl Commod Hot Cons Gas Ut Cons Mng Cont Cornue Coro Inc Cor Rey 63 Creole Pet 581 Croft Brew Crosley Mot Crown Drug 3 Cub Atl Sug DOM STL 301 Dumont Lab A Test Duval 233 EAST El Bond Sh Electrogra Equity Cp 2 Eureka Ltd FAIRCH CAM 241 Fairch Ford Can Ltd A 541 Fuller, GA PLYWOOD 11 Giant Yell Glen Ald Coal Gobel Inc Goldfield Con Gray Mig Gt Atl Pac 135 Gt Lak Oil Gt Nor Pap 4855 HAZELTINE 133 Holl Gold 1214 Humble 120 ILL ZINC Oil Ins Co Am 125 Int Petrol Invest Roy FRAZ Kings 81 Kingston Pd 43 Kirby Pet 2234 Kirk Lake 42 Knott Hotels LAKE SHORE 91 Lakey Fdy 71 Total stock sales total stock sales year Domestic Close. Bos Ed 70A Cities Ser 3 77 1001 Int Pow deb ct Foreign Close. Peru 1997 263 Total "bond sales bond sales year ago (AP) close.

Close. Le Tourneau 205 Lone Star 27 Louis 343 McWILL DRED Mead John 131 Menasco Mesabi Iron 83 Mid St Pet 141 Mid-W Ref Miller Wohl Min Cp Can Molybdenum Monog Pict Mount Prod 181 NAT BELL Nat Fuel Nat Pres Ck 16 Nat Trans Clock Zine Mex Ar Ld 103 New Pk Mng 23. Niles Bem No east Air 1 54 No'rop Airc OKLA GAS 291. Omar Inc PAC 6 pl 353 Pac Pet Ltd 718 Pancoast Oil Pantep Oil 63 Patican Co Pennroad 133 Pioneer 21 Piper Aire Pit Metallu 39 Prod Corp Pug Sd 285 RAYTHEON MF Richmond Rad 37 Rio Gr Val 21 Rotary El 50 Royal Oil 133 Ryan Aero 10 Ryan Pet 54 Ryer Hay ST LAWR CP 373 Schulte DA Sec Cp Gen Segal Lock Select Indus Sentinel Rad Sherw Wms Simp Pat Singer Mfg 3041. Solar Airc So Penn Oil Std Cap Std Oil Ky Pw Lt 81 Std Thom 67 Starrett Cp Sterl Eng Sterl Inc 5 Sup Tool 416 TECHNICOLOR 193.

Tish Real Tri Cont war 31 Tung Sol UNION CAN 17 Unit Corp war A Unit Shoe 47 Foil 333 Int Sec 51 Rad Utah Id Sug 31 VALSPAR 73, Venez Svn 47 Venez Pet 93 WALTHAM WAT 214 Wentwth MI 71 Winnip El Wright Har Wednesday 530,000 shares; ago 304.655. Bonds Close. Ohio 68 So Cal Ed 3 65 Bonds Wednesday, total $355,000. Midwest Stock Market Chicago (AP)-Wednesday Close. Acme Steel Aetna Ball RB 9 Affil Eq Akron Br Allied Lab 40 Asbestos Mfg 13 Ashl Oil Ashl Oil pt 30.

Athey Prod Belden Mfg Berghoff Brew Rinks Mfg 163 Brach Sons Brown Bg 121 Budd Co Burton-Dixie Clev Clif Ir Clev Clif pt Clint Fds Vuitee 31 Consum Pw 331 Curtiss Wright Det C1 Nav 85 Doehler Jar 33 El Cont 125 Flour Mills 12 Am Trans Gen Elec Gibson Refrig Glidden 323 Goldblatt Gossard 321 Greif Bro A Greyhound 12 Gries Brew Hallicraft Hammond Inst Harnischfeger 33 Helleman Brew 26 Hein Werner Huttig 24 Hyd Pr 4 Hyd Pr. Brk pi 30 Ill Brick Indep Pneu Ind Stl Prod Inland Stl 591 Paper 525 Int Shoe 425 Int Tel Tel Icwa Ill 271 stocks: Close. Johnson Sh Kelley Is 22 Knapp Mon Kropp For Lam Sess 16 Leath Co Lonergan Mf Louis 303 McKee 40 Medusa Cem 393 Metro Brk Fd 10 Middle Ut Miller Hart Mols Brew 17 Mo Port Cem 26 Muter Co 8 Stand Nat Tile 53 No Am Avia 173. Nor Sta Pw 101 Nor'west Banc 31 Nunn Bush Shoe 19 Oak Mfg Oak Mfg war Ohio Edis 321 Peabody Coal 91 Peabody Coal pf 231, Peoples Gas Pepsi -Cola Rem Rand St Pub Sv A 9 Sangamo El Serrick 143 Shellmar Prod Signode Steel 1834 Soc Brand Cl Southern Co Sou Ind South Pac Sterl Al Pd Stone Cont Storkline Furn 19 Sundstrand MT 1734 Thompson Pd Trane Co 208 So LaSalle St Un Param Th 195. Warner Pict 12 Wieboldt Strs 16 Willys Over Wise Bankshrs 13 Woodall Indust Stock sales Wednesday.

81.000 shares. Omaha Livestock Sales Wednesday Iowa Counties Adair: Orient Seed 1.098 lb. steers $34.75. Art Daniels Son. 1.092 lbs.

$34.75. Carroll: Harry Fischer, 1.239 lb. steers $34. Joe Wubben. 969 lbs.

$34. Cass: L. L. Ganseth, 1.331 lb. steers $36.50.

Harry 279 lb. hogs $20.75. Crawford: Melvin Magill. 1,151 lb. steers $35.

H. A. Guthrie: Hansohn, 333 4b. hogs $20.75. Hadley, 281 lb.

hogs Harrison: Arthur Finken. 221 lb. hogs $21.50. Mills: Paul Jones, 88 lb. shorn lambs $33.50.

Monona: L. M. Sorensen Sons. 249 lb. hogs $21.

Montgomery: Donald Evans. 293 lb. hogs $20.75. Pottawattamie: E. J.

Wehland, 285 lb. hogs $21. Herb Green. 214 $21. Strot Pleak, 1.186 lb.

steers $38. Shelby: 1.010 Ernest Will. 236 lb. hogs $21. Fred Assmann, lb.

steers $34.50. Nebraska Counties Blaine: D. P. Riggs. 1.133 lb.

steers $36.50. Burt: Alvin Sanders. 1.261 lb. steers $35. J.

E. Linder, 1,107 lbs. $35. L. I.

Anderson, 217 steers lb. $35. hogs Mikkleson $21.50. Dale Mikkleson. 970 ib.

208 lb. hogs $21.50 and 191 lbs. $21. Butler: Edward Hovorka, 276 lb. hogs $20.75.

Cass: W. Le Roy Cook. 254 lb. hogs $21. Colfax: Albert Kender.

1,091 lb. steers $34.50. Louis Brester. 954 Ib. heifers $35.

Joe Brester. 966 lb. heifers $35. Cuming: Art Prinz. 1,226 lb.

steers $34.25. Haefflin 1.381 lb. steers $36. Custer: Frank W. Wells.

1,055 lb. steers $35. Dawson: C. T. Young.

1,368 lb. steers $37. Dixon: J. D. Heinemann, 1.326 lb.

$35. Dodge: Joe Dorneman Son. 862 lb. heifers $33.25. Douglas: Raymond Kruse.

95 lb. lambs $36.75. Gus Sumnick, 272 lb. hogs $20.75. Mike Thell, 1.107 lb.

heifers $35. Greeley: Don Dugan, 1,070 lb. steers $35.50. Hall: M. D.

Lyhane. 103 lb. lambs $36.50. Louis Myers Sons. 1.328 lb.

steers $36.50. Hamilton: W. F. McHargue. 1.022 lb.

steers $33.50. Hans Jensen, 102 lb. shorn lambs $33.50. Johnson: Arden Trout. 910 lb.

mixed yearlings $34. Kearney: Thurston Norman. 1,021 lb. steer $33.50. Lancaster: George Christian.

1.013 lb. steers $34. Madison: Joe Hughes. 104 lb. lambs $36.75.

Merrick: Ralph Rocklitz, 110 lb. $36.50. W. F. Feehan.

102 lb. lambs $36.50. Oscar McHargue. 892 lb. heifers $33.75.

Saline: J. J. Kasl Son. 1.270 lb. cows $25.50.

Walden Wieggers, 253 lb. hogs 303 lbs. $20.75: 482 lbs. $18.75. Stanton: Otto Bolz.

1.174 lb. steers $35.75. Harry Nicholas, 1.161 lb. steers $34. High Ingot Capacity Seen New York (P)-Annual capacity of this country's steel industry will top 120 million net tons of ingots by the end of 1952, the Iron Age, metal-working trade weekly said Wednesday.

Other Markets on Page 23. SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES TAX INCLUDED Since 1887 COMMERCIAL SAVINGS SOUTH 24T ST. 4824 MA 6100 Member Home Bank System LOANS ON HOMES The Very Best Rates and Terms in the City of Omaha THE CONSERVATIVE Savings and Loan Ass'n. 1614 Harney Street $59 Years of Continuous Service" Wheat to 1c Lower Corn Advances Here; Demand Quiet The Omaha cash wheat tone was steady to 1c lower Wednesday, basis lower. Sales included No.

1 northern spring high protein, Kansas City May price to over. Corn sold higher, basis higher. Oats were lower; rye lower; barley and milo unchanged. Rather quiet demand for grain stems partly from the fact that elevators are filled to working capacity. Omaha and Council Bluffs elevators are holding 22,000,000 bushels--total capacity is 000 bushels.

Outstate loadings Tuesday: Wheat, 140 cars; corn, 214; oats, rye, one car each; barley, other grain, 3 cars. Spot sales Wednesday: Wheat No. 1 hard winter, 12.40 per cent 2. 11.60-12.40 per cent No. 5.

11.30-11.80 per cent 2.34¼. Sample 11.40 per cent, low quality, $2.02. No. 1 northern spring, 13.20-13.60 per cent 2.45½. No.

4, 13.60 per cent Corn No. 2 yellow, 16.2-17.5 per cent No 4, per cent No. 5. 13.5-18.8 per cent Sample. 20.3-22.2 per cent 1.42¾: 12.9 per cent $1.66.

Barley Sample, 49 13.7 per cent $1.45. Omaha Carlot Receipts and Shipments Week Year Receipts- Wednesday Ago Azo Wheat 23 33 90 Corn .212 244 32 Oats 3 Rye 3 Barley Soybeans Sorghum 2 ShipmentsWheat 95 45 Rye Oats Corn Barley 261 5 154 gone, Soybeans 14 Sorghum 6 5 Chicago Carlot Receipts Whaet 3 10 12 Oats 6 16 11 Corn .136 118 198 Rye Barley 17 Soybeans 20 Kansas City Carlot Receipts Wheat 90 128 86 Corn 71 7 Oats 5 4 Louis Carlot Receipts Wheat 13 14 14 Corn 55 33 51 Oats 3 3 Northwestern Carlot Wheat Receipts Minneapolis 150 86 161 Duluth 110 111 99 Winnipeg 125 51 221 Chicago Cash Grain Chicago (AP)-Spot wheat tended lower Wednesday, basis unchanged to easier. Corn. unchanged to 1c higher: basis unchanged to 2c -lower; bookings 25.000 bushels. Oats, about unchanged; basis easier.

Cash wheat: None. Corn: No. 2 yellow. No. 4.

No. 3: 1.52½@1.65½. Oats: No. heavy mixed. 99c.

Barley 1.25. nominal: Malting. feed, $1.05 Cash lard 19.4c. a pound: loose. 17.75c.

Minneapolis Cash Grain Minneapolis (AP) Wednesday: Trading basis unchanged to 1c up. Prices down 5 AC to up Cash: No. 1 dark northern or No. 1 northern. 12 to 16 per cent protein.

$2.49 (4 2.86: 1c premium for heavy. No. 1 hard Montana, $2.49 2.57: Minnesota -South Dakota No. 1 dark hard winter. fancy milling durum, $2.69 2.71: No.

1 choice milling durum, $2.58 No. 1 red durum, $2.27 2.29. Corn, 3 2 yellow. Oats. No.

white. 891 Barley. Rye. 2. Flax.

No. 1, Soybeans, to arrive, Deaths ATKISSON-Lillle May. 1810 Emmet Tuesday, age 73 years. Survived by sons. M.

S. Atkisson of Wilmette. Arthur of Portland, Hubert and William of Omaha: 5 daughters, Mrs. Patti Holmgren of Helena, Mrs. Marie Creson of Ventura, Mrs.

Pajarita Hall of- Brighton, Mrs. Lillie May Robinson of Livingston, Mrs. Juanita Strand of Omaha; 32 grandchildren. 6 great -grandchildren. Funeral services Friday 3:30 p.

Crosby-Kunold Mortuary. 32d Ave. and Farnam. Committal Forest Lawn. BATES-Richard 700 N.

41st age 26 years. Survived by parents. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Bates: sisters, Mrs.

Har. riett Murphy, Mrs. Foy Woodward: mother, Mrs. Sylvia Young. Funeral Thursday, 3:30 p.

Crosby. Kunold Mortuary, 24th and Dr. George Bancroft officiating. Committal Graceland Park Cemetery. BLAKE- P.

Survived by two daughters, Mrs. Iarrict Blake Akerson. ley Hills, Helen Blake Bergers, Eagle Rock, son, Frederick H. Blake. of Omaha: seven grandchildren, seven great-grandchildren.

Graveside services Friday, 11:30 a. m. Interment Forrest Lawn. Inquiries may be addressed to the Burket Chapel, HA 0090. DAVIS-Infant son of Mr.

and Mrs. Gentry Davis, 4822 N. 47th St. Survived by parents and brother Robert, grandparents. Mrs.

Catherine Davis of Omaha and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith of Midwest. Wyo. Funeral services Thursday.

11 a. Leo A. Hoffmann Chapel to Holy Sepulchre Cemetery. FROST 224 N. 19th Apartment.

7, Monday. brother. Age Thomas 45 years. Survived by 1 St. Paul.

Minn. Funeral services Thursday. 10:30 a. m. Crosby-Kunold Mortuary, 32d Ave.

and Farnam St. Committal Forest Lawn. DUGAN-John age 51 years, residence 530 S. 51st St. Survived by wife.

Gladys; parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Dugan, Omaha; 2 brothers, William Kearney, Donald Cherokee, 3 sisters, Mrs. Eileen Tilley: Misses Edna and Blanch Dugan of Omaha. Funeral Thursday, John A.

Gentleman Mortuary, 9:30 a. St. Margaret Mary Churcl. at 10 a. m.

Interment Holy Sepulchre Cemetery. Rosary at the Mortuary Wednesday, 8 p. m. EHLERS-Mrs. Mamie age 47 years, residence 110 N.

34th St. Survived by husband Walter son, Russell: daughter, Mrs. Irene Morris, Portland, 2 grandchildren; 3 brothers; 4 sisters. Funeral Thursday, John A. Gentleman Mortuary, 8:30 a.

m. to St. Cecilia's Cathedral at 9 a. m. Interment Forest Lawn Cemetery.

Rosary Wednesday 8 p. at the mortuary. FIALA-Frank 3463 S. 13th St. Age 53 years.

Display man for Thompson and Belden for 16 years. GoldsteinChapman, 14 years, musician, 35 years. Member of B.P.O.E. Elks. Survivors, wife, Emma: 1 son, Richard: mother, Mrs.

Frances Fiala: 1 brother, George, 1 sister. Mrs. Frank Rican. Funeral services Thursday, 9:30 a. m.

at the Dworak-Chapuran Chapel to St. Wenceslaus Church, 10 a. interment. St Mary's Cemetery. Rosary 7:30 p.

m. at the mortuary. HAFFNER- -Emil 3857 Seward Monday, age 78 years. Funeral services Thursday. 1:30 p.

First Lutheran Church, 31st. Jackson Sts. Committal Hillerest. Crosby-Kunold 32d Ave. and Farnam St.

HOLDEFER- age 72 years. residence 2020 Harney St. Survived by daughter. Miss Gertrude Holdefer. Kansas City, 2 sisters.

Mrs. Clara Boyer. Miss Emma Holdefer. both of Kansas City. Kans.

Remains forwarded to Kansas City, for services and interment. John A. Gentleman service. LINDQUIST-Hannah. 4630 Grand Wednesday.

age 84 years. Survived by 1 son, Carl A. of Omaha. Funeral services Friday. 1:30 D.

Crosby-Kunold Mortuary. 32d Ave. and Farnam. Committal. Forest Lawn.

PETERSEN-Burt. residence. St. Joseph Hospital, age 56 years. Survived by 2 daughters.

Mrs. Charlotte McDaniel, Mrs. La Vonne Mayfield; sister, Mrs. Violet Lang. Remains to lie in state at the Salanitro Mortuary until 8 p.

m. Wednesday, then forwarded to Chicago, for services and interment. McQUADE- age 84 years. residence 1412 S. 48th St.

She is sure vived by sons, Thomas F. and George Omaha: 3 grandchildren and 6 great -grandchildren. Funeral Thursday, 8:30 a. m. from Heafey Heafey Farnam St.

Home to Holy Cross Church 9 a. m. Interment Holy Sepulchre Cemetery. Rosary recitation Wednesday, 8 p. m.

at Mortuary. MURPHY- 1506 S. 61st age 48 years. Survived by husband Keith 4 sisters: Misses Amy and Helen Coleman. Mrs.

Carl L. Runstrom, Ironwood. Mrs. R. E.

Heidemann, Neguanee, 2 brothers: Paul L. Coleman, Ironwood, and Hugo Manitowoc. Wis. Services Thursday 8 p. m.

Fitch Cole Memorial Chapel. interment Ironwood. Mich. RENZELMAN--Dorothy Susan, age 50 years, 902 N. 49th Omaha.

Survived by 1 daughter. Mrs. Clarence Knapp. Papillion. 3 brothers.

John Babco*ck. Hillsboro. and Stanley of Thompson. 1 granddaughter. Funeral services Thursday.

2 D. at the Fairbury Methodist Church. Fairbury, Neb. Interment. Fairbury Cemetery.

Remains will lie in state at the Claire Funeral Home. Papillion until Thursday morning. BOURKE-Danley, 3300 N. 60th age 81 years. Funeral services Wednesday.

10 a. m. at St. Patrick Church. Manley, Neb.

Interment Manley, Neb. Rosary Tuesday, 8 p. at the mortuary. Dworak-Chapuran service..

Omaha World-Herald from Omaha, Nebraska (2024)


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