All Tome 12 - Discordance challenges in Dead by Daylight (2025)

Tomes in Dead by Daylight present players with challenges to complete in exchange for Rift Fragments and Bloodpoints. They’re a great way to get one step closer to hitting level 50 in the Bloodweb, but also give you something else to consider in each Trial. This guide outlines all the challenges in Tome 12 – Discordance, so you know what to pick next when you sit down to play the game.

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All Tome 12 Discordance challenges

All Level 1 Tome 12 – Discordance challenges

All Tome 12 - Discordance challenges in Dead by Daylight (1)

Below is every Level 1 challenge in Tome 12 – Discordance. Once you reach the right-hand side of Level 1, which doesn’t require completing every challenge, you’ll unlock 10 Rift Fragments and the Bizzare Bunny Charm.

  • Dark Adherent: Hook 4 Survivors in a single Trial.
    • Rewards: 5 Rift Fragments, 25,000 Bloodpoints, and 1 Tome Page.
  • Grease Monkey: Fully deplete 3 Toolboxes.
    • Rewards: 3 Rift Fragments and 15,000 Bloodpoints.
  • Scrap Yard: Damage 6 generators.
    • Rewards: 3 Rift Fragments and 15,000 Bloodpoints.
  • Bloody Rewards: Earn 50,000 Bloodpoints.
    • Rewards: 3 Rift Fragments and 15,000 Bloodpoints.
  • Life Giver: Heal a total of 3 health states of any Survivor.
    • Rewards: 3 Rift Fragments and 15,000 Bloodpoints.
  • Glyph Communer: Commune with 2 Blue Glyphs.
    • Rewards: 5 Rift Fragments and 25,000 Bloodpoints.
  • Strategic Alliance: Perform a cooperative action for 90 seconds.
    • Rewards: 3 Rift Fragments and 15,000 Bloodpoints.
  • Jump-Start: Vault a pallet or window while in a chase 2 times in a single Trial.
    • Rewards: 5 Rift Fragments, 25,000 Bloodpoints, and 1 Tome Page.
  • Lethal Strike: Hit 6 Survivors while performing a Lethal Rush as The Blight in a single Trial.
    • Rewards: 5 Rift Fragments, 25,000 Bloodpoints, and 1 Tome Page.
  • Diverse Despair: Hook 4 different Survivors.
    • Rewards: 3 Rift Fragments and 15,000 Bloodpoints.
  • Craft Time’s Over: Cleanse 8 Totems.
    • Rewards: 3 Rift Fragments and 15,000 Bloodpoints.
  • Liberator: Unhook 4 Survivors. These must be safe unhooks or they don’t count.
    • Rewards: 3 Rift Fragments and 15,000 Bloodpoints.
  • A Bit More in the Tank: Escape 2 chases while using the Overcome perk in a single Trial.
    • Rewards: 5 Rift Fragments, 25,000 Bloodpoints, and 1 Tome Page.
  • Predator or Prey: Earn a total of 3 Evader or Chaser Emblems of at least bronze quality.
    • Rewards: 3 Rift Fragments and 15,000 Bloodpoints.
  • Another for The Entity: Sacrifice 2 Survivors to The Entity in a single Trial.
    • Rewards: 5 Rift Fragments, 25,000 Bloodpoints, and 1 Tome Page.
  • Knockout: Knock down 8 Survivors.
    • Rewards: 3 Rift Fragments and 15,000 Bloodpoints.
  • Skilled Operator: Succeed at 12 skill checks.
    • Rewards: 3 Rift Fragments and 15,000 Bloodpoints.
  • Glyph Massacre: Commune with the Orange Glyph and then hook 6 Survivors.
    • Rewards: 5 Rift Fragments and 25,000 Bloodpoints.
  • Keep Your Enemies Closer: Hide within 10 meters of the Killer without being caught for a total of 15 seconds in a single Trial.
    • Rewards: 5 Rift Fragments, 25,000 Bloodpoints, and 1 Tome Page.
  • Reverent: Sacrifice 6 Survivors to The Entity.
    • Rewards: 3 Rift Fragments and 15,000 Bloodpoints.
  • Strength in Numbers: Survive while at least 1 other Survivor escapes the Trial as Jonah Vasquez. You must remain in the Trial while they escape.
    • Rewards: 5 Rift Fragments, 25,000 Bloodpoints, and 1 Tome Page.
  • Dragon’s Hit: Hit a Survivor suffering from the Exposed status effect with your weapon 2 times while using the Dragon’s Grip perk in a single Trial.
    • Rewards: 5 Rift Fragments, 25,000 Bloodpoints, and 1 Tome Page.

All Level 2 Tome 12 – Discordance challenges

All Tome 12 - Discordance challenges in Dead by Daylight (2)

The following is every challenge in level 2 of Tome 12: Discordance. By completing enough of them to reach both Epilogue nodes, you’ll unlock the Bursting Bunny Charm and 15 Rift Fragments. We’ve listed each challenge with its requirements and rewards below.

  • Glyph Graduate: Commune with 2 Yellow Glyphs.
    • Rewards: 5 Rift Fragments and 35,000 Bloodpoints.
  • Bring the Light: Repair a total of 10 generators.
    • Rewards: 3 Rift Fragments and 25,000 Bloodpoints.
  • Unleash the Rage: Break 25 walls, pallets, or generators.
    • Rewards: 3 Rift Fragments and 25,000 Bloodpoints.
  • Scientific Breakthrough: Break 8 walls or pallets with a Lethal Rush as The Blight in a single Trial.
    • Rewards: 5 Rift Fragments, 35,000 Bloodpoints, and a Tome Page.
  • Whatever it Takes: Stun the Killer 4 times.
    • Rewards: 3 Rift Fragments and 25,000 Bloodpoints.
  • Speedy Demise: Down 2 Survivors with a Lethal Rush as The Blight in a single Trial.
    • Rewards: 5 Rift Fragments and 35,000 Bloodpoints.
  • Peer Reviewed: Succeed, or have another Survivor succeed, 5 skill checks while repairing a generator cooperatively while using the perk Corrective Action in a single Trial.
    • Rewards: 5 Rift Fragments, 35,000 Bloodpoints, and a Tome Page.
  • Machinist: Finish repairing 2 generators.
    • Rewards: 5 Rift Fragments, 35,000 Bloodpoints, and a Tome Page.
  • Callousness or Compassion: Earn a total of 3 Benevolent or Malicious Emblems of silver quality or better.
    • Rewards: 3 Rift Fragments and 25,000 Bloodpoints.
  • Action, Reaction: Down 2 Survivors near pallets while using the perk: Hex: Blood Favor.
    • Rewards: 5 Rift Fragments, 35,000 Bloodpoints, and a Tome Page.
  • Carry On: Carry Survivors over 150 meters.
    • Rewards: 3 Rift Fragments and 25,000 Bloodpoints.
  • Glyph Seeker: Commune with 3 Red Glyphs.
    • Rewards: 5 Rift Fragments and 35,000 Bloodpoints.
  • Sore Ankles: Fall from a great height while being chased 3 times.
    • Rewards: 3 Rift Fragments and 30,000 Bloodpoints.
  • Undying Influence: Finish the Trial with at least one Hex totem remaining while using the perk Hex: Undying.
    • Rewards: 5 Rift Fragments, 35,000 Bloodpoints, and a Tome Page.
  • Zero to Sixty: Knock down a Survivor within 60 seconds of downing another Survivor in a single Trial.
    • Rewards: 5 Rift Fragments, 35,000 Bloodpoints, and a Tome Page.
  • This One’s Personal: Kill the Obsession once by any means.
    • Rewards: 5 Rift Fragments, 35,000 Bloodpoints, and a Tome Page.
  • Spree of Violence: Hit 8 different Survivors with weapons.
    • Rewards: 3 Rift Fragments and 25,000 Bloodpoints.
  • No Stone Unturned: Unlock 3 chests.
    • Rewards: 5 Rift Fragments, 35,000 Bloodpoints, and a Tome Page.
  • Glyph Pursuer: Commune with 6 Green Glyphs.
    • Rewards: 5 Rift Fragments and 35,000 Bloodpoints.
  • Execution: Kill 10 Survivors.
    • Rewards: 3 Rift Fragments and 25,000 Bloodpoints.
  • Bloody Rewards: Earn 75,000 Bloodpoints.
    • Rewards: 3 Rift Fragments and 25,000 Bloodpoints.
  • Appeal to Heal: Fully deplete 3 Med-kits.
    • Rewards: 3 Rift Fragments and 25,000 Bloodpoints.

All Level 3 Tome 12 – Discordance challenges

You can complete these challenges by reaching the third level of Tome 12. Should you complete enough of these challenges, you will unlock the Bloodcurdling Bunny charm and 20 Rift Fragments.

  • Exposed Target: Hit 8 Survivors with your weapon while that Survivor is exposed.
    • Rewards: 3 Rift Fragments and 30,000 Bloodpoints
  • Deadly Pursuit: Chase Survivors for a total of 240 Seconds
    • Rewards: 3 Rift Fragments and 30,000 Bloodpoints
  • Anger Management: Destroy 12 dropped pallets
    • Rewards: 3 Rift Fragments and 30,000 Bloodpoints
  • Take Care: Heal yourself a total of 6 Health States
    • Rewards: 3 Rift Fragments and 30,000 Bloodpoints
  • You, Yes, You: Hook the Obsession three times in a single trial
    • Rewards: 5 Rift Fragments and 50,000 Bloodpoints
  • Suffer or Slaughter: Earn a total of 3 of the following Gold Quality or better as a Survivor or Killer: Unbroken emblems or Devout emblems
    • Rewards: 3 Rift Fragments and 30,000 Bloodpoints
  • Blindsided: Blind the Killer 6 times
    • Rewards: 3 Rift Fragments and 30,000 Bloodpoints
  • Solve for X: Escape 1 trial as Jonah Vasquez
    • Rewards: 5 Rift Fragments and 50,000 Bloodpoints
  • Glyph Seeker: Commune with 4 Red Glyphs
    • Rewards: 5 Rift Fragments and 50,000 Bloodpoints
  • Craft Time’s Over: Cleanse 10 Totems
    • Rewards: 3 Rift Fragments and 50,000 Bloodpoints
  • Gruesome: Hook 15 Survivors
    • Rewards: 3 Rift Fragments and 30,000 Bloodpoints
  • Stop ’em in their tracks: Stun or blind the Killer 3 times in a single trial
    • Rewards: 5 Rift Fragments and 50,000 Bloodpoints
  • Breathless: Down 6 Survivors while using only the perks Stridor and no other perks in a single trial
    • Rewards: 5 Rift Fragments and 50,000 Bloodpoints
  • Raised to the Nth Power: Escape 1 trial through the exit gate while using the Boon: Exponential in a single trial
    • Rewards: 5 Rift Fragments and 50,000 Bloodpoints
  • Leap or Faith: Vault a pallet or window while in a chase 6 times
    • Rewards: 3 Rift Fragments and 30,000 Bloodpoints
  • High Skill: Get a Great result in 8 skill checks
    • Rewards: 3 Rift Fragments and 30,000 Bloodpoints
  • Bloody Rewards: Earn 100,000 Bloodpoints
    • Rewards: 3 Rift Fragments and 30,000 Bloodpoints
  • Cleanse the Filth: Hit a Survivor 6 times right after a Blink as The Nurse in a single trial
    • Rewards: 5 Rift Fragments and 50,000 Bloodpoints
  • Glyph Tracker: Commune with 3 Purple Glyphs
    • Rewards: 5 Rift Fragments and 50,000 Bloodpoints
  • Long Distance Runner: Be chased by the Killer for a total of 75 seconds in a single trial
    • Rewards: 5 Rift Fragments and 50,000 Bloodpoints
  • Glyph Pursuer: Commune with 3 Green Glyphs
    • Rewards: 5 Rift Fragments and 50,000 Bloodpoints
  • Reverent: Sacrifice 10 Survivors to the Entity
    • Rewards: 3 Rift Fragments and 30,000 Bloodpoints
  • Botanist’s Blessing: Completely heal 3 health state(s) of any Survivor as Claudette Morel in a single trial
    • Rewards: 5 Rift Fragments and 50,000 Bloodpoints

What are Tomes in Dead by Daylight?

All Tome 12 - Discordance challenges in Dead by Daylight (3)

Tomes are similar to seasons in Dead by Daylight. While they’re live, players can earn Rift Fragments from them by completing the challenges within. These Rift Fragments add progress to the current Rift, which usually lasts around 70 days. The rift has a free and premium track and is how players unlock exclusive cosmetics each season in the game. You can’t unlock these cosmetics without completing challenges in a Tome.

However, once a season or Rift has ended, most Tomes stay in the game for players to complete at their leisure. You can do this by selecting the Tome in The Archives and working your way through each challenge, regardless of whether that Tome is live or not. Tomes also provide lore in Dead by Daylight. Every challenge with a page icon on it unlocks new lore for your to read, adding to the game’s universe.

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All Tome 12 - Discordance challenges in Dead by Daylight (2025)


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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

Birthday: 1997-12-21

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Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.